<•> Chapter 10 <•>

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They started walking again when it was nighttime and cool. The fourth day of their journey, she couldn't help but feel a prickle of excitement that filled her when she thought of meeting her long lost family. Ciaran kept small talk with stories about his family.

"Sylvia is the youngest, she was the last and only litter after me and Juniper." He said.

"How old is she?" Starla asked, pushing aside some plants.

"Almost half a year now, she will be an apprentice soon." He said proudly.

"What are your sisters like?" She asked.

"Sylvia is very cheery, I don't think there's a single thing that can make her sad. She always says nice things, she is very polite. Everyone finds her adorable." He said flicking his ear and glancing at Starla.

"What about Juniper?" Starla asked.

"I was born three minutes before her but she always says she's older." he chuckled, "She's more serious, but she can be fun. She is super hot headed but can track like nobody's business."

"She sounds like a fighter." Starla laughed.

"Yep, that's for sure. My parents are like her; serious and know what they want." He said raising his head.

"Well that's good." She tried.

"Not always," He said smiling.

They continued to walk steadily, but suddenly the forest ended. And before them was a meadow of tan, with weeds and dried out plants, a bush every once in awhile.

"What is this place?" Starla asked looking around.

The ground was dusty and dry, the plants tan and thin and long. Clouds dotted the sky and the sun seemed more intense.

He sighed, "We've been seeing fewer streams and this is where the forest ends. This is what we call No Man's Land."

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's a place where we are forbidden to go and explore or even hunt there." He answered looking grim.


"Wolves often hunt here, wouldn't want to lead them back to the tribe. Also snakes and the other tribe's border is near here." He said his tone sour.

"The 'other tribe'?" She asked.

"Yes, there is one fox tribe that isn't very friendly. Called, Foxfields. They aren't friendly." He said voice hissing.

"You don't sound fond of them," She remarked, she swept her gaze the field never seemed to end dry grass as far as she could see.

"I doubted anyone is," He mumbled he raised his head toward the field narrowing his eyes, "They only cause trouble and hurt the other tribes. Their leader is nothing but greedy for power. He hates my father."

"What have they done?" She asked.

"Many troubling things, come on. The faster we get through the meadow the better."

They started walking the grass tickling her legs, sometimes the grass became tall then dialed down so tall it reached her nose.

"So where does the Foxpaw's live? What are we looking for?" She asked, keeping a steady pace with him.

"They live in a mountain and in the meadow below, but it's a couple days left of a trip. How about I show you Cloaking now? Seems a perfect opportunity now."

"Yes!" She agreed eagerly.

"Okay without stopping close your eyes and think of a memory where you were spying, or being perfectly stealthy." He said.

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