<•> Chapter 13 <•>

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Esther and Hawk led them toward the mountain where they climbed some old broken steps with swirly carvings carved into them. They pushed past a wall of vines and came into a very large den, there was a small fire surrounded with rocks which kept the fire tame. In one corner there was a clean moss bed with feathers and flowers woven into it, there was a small pond with some water that trickled through the wall making a soft noise constantly. Their shadows danced off the walls from the fire as they came in. In a corner was some bones and a fresh piece of prey a very plumb rabbit. There were a pile of plants sorted into a corner along with what looked like vines.

But also there were stars and constellations on the floor scratched into it but clean and smooth almost no mistakes from what Starla could see.

"This is my den, please make yourself at home. It's quiet cold why don't you sit by the fire?" Esther called over her shoulder as she padded toward the pond.

As they made their way over Starla swore she saw stars in the pond's reflection but when she looked up all she saw was the ceiling of the cave before she was whisked by Hawk and Ciaran away from the pond and settled by the fire. She had to admit she was shivering and she gladly accepted the heat pouring from it.

"Are you two hungry?" Esther asked washing her face.

"We ate before we went into camp." Ciaran said.

Hawk maintained a serious face beside his son, Starla felt slightly intimidated by him.

"Perfect." Esther sat across from them curling her tail around her paws.

"I told her a little about Foxfey and the tribe." Ciaran added.

Esther offered a kind smile, her eyes swirled with stars. Starla thought they were beautiful but how could there be stars in her eyes? They were a lighter blue against her dark ones.

"I suppose you know about your parents then?" Esther asked gently.

She spoke without thinking as her body tensed defensively. "My parent's weren't traitors!" She said.

Hawk's gaze snapped toward her his voice was low but commanding, "Running away with kits and not teaching them about our ancestors is treason. That is disrespectful to all those before us, I don't expect a city fox to understand that!" When he said city fox he more spat the word.

Starla glared at him and opened her mouth but Esther spoke before her facing Hawk she said, "We do not know which prophecy fox she is, nor which lines refers to her. It's unfair to make assumptions like that."

Hawk sniffed but faced Esther, obviously he was in charge but Esther also seemed to have a lot of respect among the tribe. Starla could sense that if Ciaran spoke to his father like that it wouldn't go over so easily.

"I am not saying your parents are traitors Starla. But what I am saying is you are important for this prophecy. I am certain Ciaran told you a bit?" She asked her eyes flicking between the two young foxlings.

"Yes, but he was..." She glanced at him, "Cryptic."

"I didn't know how to explain it very well!" He said defensively, he looked at Esther, "Your better at that stuff."

Esther flicked her ear and chuckled a bit, "Of course he was. But let me repeat the prophecy," She took a breath and her eyes got distant like she was seeing something beyond them and her voice was firm but sweet, "'A fox of wind and color, a second fox of water and trust, a third fox of fire and traitors blood. They will bring together the seven Magic tribes, and stop the bloodshed that runs through the cracks.'"

"I still don't know what any of that means." Starla grumbled. Why was every fox in a tribe so confusing and spoke in riddles?

"The Seven Magic tribes are simple," Esther began her eyes were normal and looked at them, "The tribe of foxes, the tribe of wolves, the tribe of bears, the tribe of cats, the tribe of leopards, the tribe of lions, and the tribe of tigers. Those are the tribes that make up the Paws."

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