<•> Chapter 4 <•>

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tarla slowly opened her eyes, her fur was soaked with water. Dried blood was around her cuts and she was covered in bruises. She wasn't in the river anymore, she was in a cave, it was small but kept the heavy wind that roared outside. There was a fire in the cave burning softly with rocks around it, keeping it from spreading, she was in a soft moss bed and some bird feathers stuck to it. She jolted up when she saw the fox, it had been the one chasing her, he was a few feet away and was watching her.

His golden eyes glinted almost swirling like the fire, he didn't look like any fox she had ever seen. His face was black and dark grey with some silver mixed in lightly, his paws black, ear tips, and tail but the tip of his tail was white. He had light orange and silver and grey along his body. On his right cheek was the eye looking marking, it was black and almost perfect, it looked like ink but smooth and even.

"You're awake." He said.

She scrambled up but then a headache slammed into her taking her breath and making her collapse on the moss bed. The male fox was up in second and trotting towards her worry in his eyes but she looked at him with fear and tried to crawl away but her headache throbbed making her gasp again.

"I'm not gonna hurt you! Calm down!" he said.

"Get....away..from..me." Starla managed to gasp.

He ignored her and reached towards her she flinched away and yelped at her headache and sore muscles.

"Stay still!" He said and he pinned her shoulders down so she couldn't move.

She whined and closed her eyes expecting him to kill her but for a few moments nothing happened, after a couple seconds he backed off letting her shoulders go and she winced and leaned away from him.

"You don't have a concussion, just a headache." He said.

"Who are you? What...do..you...want?" She said.

He stared at her, "Now is not the time. But I don't intend to hurt you or kill you. If I wanted to I wouldn't have dragged you all the way up here."

She looked around slowly taking in the cave it was pretty big and she saw two big fish by the fire, he saw her looking and padded over to it. He picked one up and dropped one and nosed it toward her, making sure he gave her enough space. She eyed the fish warily but her stomach growled in protest.

"It's not poisoned if that's what your thinking." he said.

She looked at him and he gave her a half hearted smile.

She slowly pawed it towards herself keeping an eye on him and took a small bite, the flavor exploded in her mouth and her stomach begged for more. She soon started wolfing it down.

The fox watched her eat with a friendly smile when she finished all that was left were bones, he picked them up and threw them into the fire he looked toward the ceiling of the cave and started muttering something that sounded like a song. When he turned he stopped when he noticed her staring at him.

"What was that?" She asked, her headache was less severe but still a constant pain.

"Nothing, now are you calm?" He asked sitting ten feet away from her and curling his tail around his paws.

Slowly she nodded but still kept an eye on him.

Nodding he sighed, "First my name is Ciaran."

Starla suddenly frowned, "How did you know my name?"

"I may have been following you for awhile now." He admitted looking a bit shy.

"What? Why?!" She asked flicking her tail.

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