<•> Chapter 3 <•>

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She found a quiet space to calm down, she wasn't mad at Pyke mostly hurt he even mentioned their parents names. She sniffed back tears, she had come to a park Pyke and her often used to play at. There was a small pond about a mile in, often benches and trash cans along the way. She curled up beside the trash can and under the bench tired and hungry, she closed her eyes.

Her parents were street smart, they always brought food for their kits. They taught Pyke had to throw his voice and were going to teach Starla too.

"Use the back of her throat Pyke, and make a Crow scream like this," Her mother instructed mimicking a Crow scream expertly.

After a couple tries Pyke managed to mimic a Crow but couldn't quite throw his voice. His eyes widened, "It's like magic!"

Their father was grooming Starla underneath the tree smiled, "Yes just like magic."

Their mother smiled, and lowered her voice, "We will teach you other sorts of magic as well."

"I wanna learn magic!" Starla yelped.

Her parents exchanged a smile, "Of course, we'll teach both of you."

Starla opened her eyes and gasped when she realized it was nighttime. She crawled out from under the bench, and started creeping through the park. She listened for Trappers and animals. She was about halfway home when she felt a presence. Like a shadow near her, she paused sniffing but couldn't smell or see anything. She made it to the corner of a human crosswalk and stopped, she smelled a fox, not a fox she knew.

She turned around under the lamplight the smell came but nothing was there. Suddenly the air seemed to be shifting and wrapping and a fox appeared it's fur shifting like shadows it looked so unnatural it eyes bored into her.

She felt one thing, fear. She took off running not looking back, she ducked around benches and lamplight's, she ran faster than she had before even when the dogs were chasing her. The fox was after her she could feel it. She skidded into an alleyway and yelped when the same fox stepped out of the shadows, there was a mark on its cheek. It was an arrow on its side, a black dot in the middle and then another sideways arrow pointing the opposite way. It looked like an eye, the fox stepped toward her golden eyes glinting. She was stunned for a moment by those eyes, almost wolfish they seemed. Then she found her voice.

She felt her voice rise up and a scream came out even though she hadn't opened her mouth, a crow scream, the fox flinched like the crow was near it's ears and she was already gone. She hadn't even notice she had just thrown her voice like Pyke did when they play fought. She just ran and ran, wind fighting her. She scrambled into their garden and collapsed under the tree. She waited but heard nothing around her, panic seized her, Pyke wasn't here, he must have gone out looking for her. She struggled up exhaustion settling in her muscles.

"Starla." A voice called.

Starla whipped around and stopped. Her mother stood on the ledge, her bright red fur and dazzling brown eyes that seemed to reflect shadows her voice was like a birds.

"M-mom?" Starla asked tears pricking her eyes.

"Starla I'm so sorry..." Her mother said tears running down her face she hopped down in the garden and walked toward her.

"Mom!" Starla cried she buried her face in her mom's fur.

"Starla!" A voice screamed.

She pulled away looking around but she glanced at her mother but it wasn't her mother anymore, it was the fox that seemed to shift with the shadows, the eye marking on his left cheek. She yelped and tried to run away but he tackled her pinning her to the ground.

"Pyke!" She shrieked.

Something crashed into the fox pinning her down, she scrambled up the two foxes were snarling and fighting on the ground, spitting and clawing. Her brother managed to stall him he glanced at his sister, "Run Starla! To the forest! Run and don't look back!" He yelled.

She paused but she trusted her brother. She jumped on the ledge and went around it, down the boxes and under the fence, not looking if a human or animal was around she ran. She knew the city like the back of her paw, she knew where the big concrete bridge was that led up to the forest and hills beyond. Her parents said they didn't belong there but if for an emergency they could cross the bridge and escape, if it was a Trapper or something.

She ran and went around corner and turns, avoiding cars, she came to the big bridge that stood over the water, the giant machines that held humans in them were on the bridge driving quickly. She didn't had time to think of being squashed she shot across the road and on the side she ran, the cars lights blinded her but she ran on, her paws hurting as they hit the concrete quickly and rapidly. She came to the edge of the bridge and saw the hill that led to the cluster of trees, she jumped across the road a machine came to a screeching halt and honked into her ears. She jumped onto the sidewalk and scurried up the hill and dove into the trees. She pushed through the thick forest the branches and twigs scratching and cutting her. She came to a creek and tripped face first into the shallow water, she felt blood running from her head, she stumbled up but fell again.

The water poured into her cuts making her hiss but her vision started to go black even though she struggled to get up. She felt her breath leave her and she blacked out. 

Author's note: If you like this story so far please think about voting or leaving critiques below! Giving me advice helps improve my writing and improves my stories! Thank you! :)

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