<•> Chapter 11 <•>

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Once they were gone from sight and far away only then did Ciaran speak.

"Sorry about them, are you hurt?" He asked stopping, his wolfish eyes staring at her in concern.

"Just scratches." She answered shaking her head.

"I told you they weren't friendly. Lucky us they can't do anything besides scratches." Ciaran said glancing over his shoulder as if they might be following.

"Why not?" She asked.

"We aren't on their territory. They have no power over us currently." He said flicking his tail.

"Why did they seem so..." She trailed off looking for a word.

"Tough? Intimidating? Angry? Flabags?" He supplied his tone flat.

"Yeah..." She said.

"They are known for that. Especially Rabbit," He hissed.

"You've met him before?" She asked.

"Yeah a couple times, he isn't the best." He said looking towards the meadow.

"What did he do?" She asked.

"Something you don't need to worry about, come on let's go, before we burn alive under this heat." He snapped and started pushing through the grass again.

She started after him a bit slower thinking about the group.


They walked for several hours and she complained enough that they stopped. They tried to find food but only found abandoned dens with nothing in them.

"Isn't there anything out here?!" Starla asked.

"Not for awhile." He answered.

They were still in the yellow meadow, with scratches from weeds and sharp plants. The sun was blazing down making them thirsty and they could see no end to the field in sight.

"Only three more days." He said.

"Will I get a marking like yours?" She asked.

He looked puzzled for a second, "I don't know," He responded truthfully.

"How did you get it anyway? Does it come off?" She questioned.

He seemed unsure how to respond. "Our ancestors give it to us at birth however if a new fox joins they get to visit our ancestors in their dreams to receive their mark."

"How does that work?" She asked.

He sighed looking tired, "You ask a lot of questions city fox."

"I'm curious, that's all." She said flicking her tail.

"You'll see," He said looking toward the bright sky.


They walked the rest of the day and night, exhaustion begged them to stop but he encouraged her that once they found a stream they would drink and rest. They found a small oasis with shade and settled down but he left for a bit and came back with a snake.

"What took you so long?" She asked as he dropped in front of her for them to share.

"Patrolling around, making sure no coyotes were sneaking around," He replied.

"What's a coyote?" She asked.

"Like a wolf but smaller and less dangerous. We have to be careful they steal kits." He said.

She bit into the snakeskin and made a face, "It's so rough."

"Deal with it, it was hard to find a snake that was easy to see and eat." He said digging into his food.

"You said I wasn't apart of the prophecy back there but you told me you think I am. Which is it?" She asked, the question had been nagging her all day but she felt it hadn't been the time for it until now.

"I do think you are, but I can't tell them that. It's not like it worked anyhow." He grumbled.

"Why not? Aren't you all apart of the same tribe or clan?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"The tribes make up the fox clan. They are known for wanting to start trouble and they would have just bothered us more. Or even taken us back to their tribe." He said.

"Would that have been bad?" She wondered.

"Yes, very. Get some sleep okay? We only have a little bit left to go." He turned away and curled up.

She sensed that he wanted the conversation to be over which made her even more curious. What would they want with a prophecy fox if they weren't apart of it. How come they looked so disgusted at her and her 'city fox smell'. And would she get the mark, how did the tribe talk to their ancestors?

She curled up but tossed and turned for a while before sleep finally took over and she drifted into a nightmare.


She was in the field alone, she turned around but Ciaran was nowhere to be seen.

"Ciaran!? Where are you?!" She called but she only got silence in response.

The wind blew making a soft whistle in her ear. She suddenly whirled around to see Pyke staring down at her she broke into a grin.

"Pyke!" She cried and started running toward him relief filling her.

But she suddenly stopped in her tracks once she caught his g;are aimed at her so angry and fierce she started to shiver in confusion. Her ears flattened on her head and her tail tucked under and between her back legs.

"P-Pyke....what's wrong?" She whimpered.

He glowered down at her his eyes swirling, "You left me Starla."

She looked at him and felt tears run down her face, "What! No! Pyke I wouldn't..."

"You left me to die! You let me die!" He shouted in outrage.

She lowered her eyes and started sobbing, "Pyke...I wouldn't...I would never....I didn't know..."

"I hate you!" He seethed and his form started shifting and disappearing she reached for him still sobbing.

"Pyke!" She screamed.


Starla gasped and her eyes shot open, she felt someone grab her and hold her she buried her face in Ciaran's fur sobbing. Her heart beat slowed little by little the entire time Ciaran didn't speak but simply held her as she cried all her tears out.

When she was done he pulled away and looked at her in concern.

"You were crying and screaming in your sleep." He said softly.

She nodded and wiped her tears away with her tail.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I had a nightmare, I'm okay." She said taking some deep breaths.

He looked at her a moment and nodded he stood up and looked around, "We should get going, before the sun fully comes up."

They drank plenty of water from the pond until they felt full with water and set on their way. Since they made it so far walking yesterday they only had a day's trip left, they came to a green rich forest and made their way along catching prey and drinking water.

They had stopped at noon and gave in to shade, she couldn't wait to meet her long lost family. She could feel her body shiver in excitement and she grinned.

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