<•> Chapter 8 <•>

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They started on their journey again, they found some purple berries and snacked on those and washed in a small pond nearby but they drank at a stream later. They practiced using Sight on the way and she got better at using it. And she could focus on the memory quicker and activate Sight faster. But it still took a couple moments.

They traveled the rest of the night, and when the sun was high in the sky they seeked shelter under a couple big rocks and trees, they ate prey as they went.

Ciaran also said they had to be careful about the magic trail so wolves, bears, and any other animal couldn't find them easily.

"Why did you find me. You mentioned that you had been tracking me for a long time. Why?" She asked, "I was just some city fox."

He sighed and shifted so he was in the shade of the rock entirely, "Yeah about that...." He looked up and they made eye contact. "Remember when I said you were important?"

She nodded. "You're important that's all you need to know." They had been in the cave and he was trying to calm her down.

"The tribe of foxes gather once every two full moons to give updates. Borders, new apprentices, depuys, leaders, and news in the tribes. We have foxes that speak to our ancestors..." He trailed off thinking.

"Speak to our ancestors?" She repeated.

He nodded and glanced at the sky, "Those constellations make up foxes silhouettes...each star apart of a leader in the past. When a leader dies and it's mate, family, and friends who made a difference in their lives die...they become stars that make up the tribe leader's silhouette. To honor their difference for generations." He explained.

"Do normal foxes get constellations?" She asked.

"Yes, the small ones behind the leader each fox is a constellation but is also apart of another foxes constellation, interlinking them all forever." He said.

"I never knew they were watching from above," She said looking up at the blue sky, "I never really thought about it..."

He smiled, "Yeah well you never knew a thing about Foxpaw before. As I was saying there are special foxes chosen by the ancestors, they are called Oracles. The current Oracles get a dream from the ancestors to pick an apprentice to train. Then they train the apprentice to help read prophecies and messages from the stars, they also heal the hurt foxes and make sure the tribe is healthy and well."

"That is one big job..." She said slowly processing it. Everything feels so complicated, she thought. There seemed to be so many rules and positions in the fox tribes and it confused her, she had nothing like that in the city. She only had rules how to survive.

"Yes it is a hard job. But the apprentice always has the current oracle to teach it." He said flicking his tail.

"So what does any of that have to do with me?" She asked curiously.

"The Oracles receive prophecies from our ancestors. And our Oracle got a prophecy not too long ago." He said.

She stared at him waiting.

"'A fox of wind and color, a second fox of water and trust, a third fox of fire and traitors blood. They will bring together the seven Magic tribes, and stop the bloodshed that runs through the cracks.'" He stated.

"What does any of that mean?" She asked.

He shrugged, "It's the Oracle's job to decode the prophecies, we think two of the prophecy foxes is in our tribe. They might have figured out who the two are by now but-" He glanced at her, "I think you're apart of the prophecy..."

"What how?" She gasped.

She couldn't possibly be apart of a prophecy. She wasn't important. She wasn't unique in any way possible. She was just a city fox living with her brother and weird dreams about the kennel. Thinking about her brother made homesickness surge through her but she smiled knowing her brother knew she was okay. She looked over at Ciaran, and she suddenly realized she trusted him. Maybe they were even friends? She suddenly hoped they were, she liked Ciaran a lot. He was friendly and she trusted him with her life.

He taught her Foxfey, told her about the tribe, taught her about the plants and berries safe to eat. Even saved her from getting eaten by wolves! She liked their pleasant conversations. She nodded to herself in her head. Yes she did trust Ciaran and she couldn't wait to get back to her brother and tell him about her adventure.

"I think the phrase, 'a third fox of fire and traitor's blood' refers to you Starla." He said.

She suddenly stopped and gave him a confused look. What does he mean a 'fox of fire' and 'traitor's blood'?

"I am not a traitor! I haven't even met the tribe!" She said feeling defensive.

"No! That's not what I meant!" He said quickly.

"Well then what did you mean?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"Your parents...used to be apart of the Foxpaws..." He started.

She stopped and gaped at him. No it couldn't be true. Her parents were kind and loving, why they didn't come forward about Foxfey she might never know but they were not traitors!

"When a fox runs away especially with kits and doesn't tell them about their hestrage the tribe that is treason in the tribe's eyes." He said.

"My parents are not traitors!" She snapped, her fur bristling with her anger.

He looked over at her, "They ran away. That makes them traitors, they turned their back on the tribe. That could make you apart of the prophecy..."

"They are not traitors!" She hissed, "Isn't it their right to raise us how they want?!"

"That is going against our ancestors we have spoken to them, they exist." He said.

"I am not of traitors blood! Because my parents weren't!" She denied, the very thought of her death parents as traitors made her want to immediately spit in Ciaran's face. All nice thoughts and feelings of friendship were forgotten.

"Starla in the tribe's eyes and our ancestors-" He started.

"Screw your beliefs and tribe! My parents were not traitors!" She seethed sanding up her tail puffing up in her anger.

His expression suddenly hardened and he stood up his own fur bristling, "Don't talk about our tribe and ancestors like that!"

"I will! My parents were not traitors!" She growled.

"Fine!" He snapped.

"Fine!" She said and whirled around so he faced her back she sat down seething.

He glared at her back and turned around angry emotions in the air.

She felt her blood boil. How dare he talk about her parents like that! She found herself angry and sad the memory of her parents faces in her mind.

Author's note: If you like this story so far please think about voting or leaving critiques below! Giving me advice helps improve my writing and improves my stories! Thank you! :)

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