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I wake up the next morning and have a slight headache. It was 10:00 on a Saturday morning and I had absolutely nothing to do. I look at my phone to see a text from Grayson.

Grayson; Gm

Me; Gm hru?

Grayson; I'm good hbu

Me; I'm good a slight headache from drinking last night but whatever

Grayson; you drink?

Me; only at parties

Grayson; well still

Me; but anyways wyd

Grayson; getting ready to go out with my brother

Me; cool oh hey btw who was the girl you were trying to text when you texted me??

Grayson; this girl I was dating in New Jersey and my family moved to LA and she got super mad bc she thought I was leaving her on my own not that my family was moving and I tried to explain to her but she didn't understand

Me; that's tough I'm sorry

Grayson; but she's in the past now and I've moved on

Me; hey wait you said you live in LA right

Grayson; yea why

Me; I do too

Grayson; we should meet somewhere

Me; how about the mall downtown

Grayson; later tho bc me and my brother are gonna go do something with our parents for about an hour or two

Me; ok just text me when ur ready

Grayson; ok bye😘

Me; bye😘

I thought to myself what he would be like in real life. Because still for all I know this could be a 75 year old man. But I'm willing to take the chance because what do I have to lose?

I picked out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black Adidas crop top and a hat that says DAD. I decided since I have a few hours why not dye my hair. I get the blue hair dye I had bought the other day out from under the sink.

I get everything ready and start to put the dye in my hair. After I was done I waited an hour then washed my hair. The blue was vibrant but dark at the same time.

I check my phone to see if Grayson texted me but there was no notifications except YouTube

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I check my phone to see if Grayson texted me but there was no notifications except YouTube. I decided to just scroll through my insta and wait. I paused on a picture on the explore page of Grayson. I clicked on it and read the caption:

He's so hot I'm melting😂😂🥵🥵check his YouTube and insta @graysondolan

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He's so hot I'm melting😂😂🥵🥵check his YouTube and insta @graysondolan

Wait he has YouTube and insta is he famous? I personally have never heard of him but I don't if he's heard of me. I make music and I'm supposed to go on tour next week and I'm so excited. I get caught up in the thought of my tour until my phone buzzed. I was a text from Grayson.

Grayson; hey I'm ready I'll be heading down there now

Me; ok see you there😘

Grayson; alright😘

I went downstairs and saw my mom. I went over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey mom can you take me to the mall I'm meeting some friends from school." I lie knowing she wouldn't let me go other wise.

"Yes of course sweetie, let me grab the keys and we'll go." She smiles and goes into the kitchen. I go out the door and get into the car. My mom comes out of the house and gets into the car. The car ride was silent until my mom started talking.

"Now don't do anything with this boy alright." She says seriously.

"Mom I'm going to meet friends." I say confused to how she knows.

"You think I can't see your messages?" She says laughing.

"Oh right. But your still letting me go?" I ask confused because she never lets me do anything with a boy.

"Yes because your 16 now and I've been too tough on you. I wanted to let you do something fun." She explains.

"Thanks mom I love you." I say getting out of the car. She blows a kiss to me and drives off. I enter the mall and look around. I text Grayson to ask him where he is.

Me; where are you

Grayson; I'm walking in rn

I look behind me and see him. He's super tall and he's buff. He walks over to me and I hug him.

"So this is you?" I say giggling.

"Yeah your even more beautiful in real life." He says making me blush.

"Your hotter in real life." I look up at him. I could tell that he was blushing too. We start walking through the mall in comforting silence until he asks me a question.

Thx for reading babes😘😘🥰😍
What's gonna happen next chapter. . .

Is this real life?//Grayson Dolan Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now