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Billie's POV
We had to like hardcore rush to get ready. We both had to take quick showers. After we were dressed my manager arrived and dragged us to the car so we weren't late.

We got to the place and it was already noisy and packed. I was backstage with Grayson and I was literally terrified. I was breathing heavily and I knew he was worried.

"Hey it'll be ok." He says softly. I felt better, but it wasn't enough. He kissed me softly, now that was enough. It was time for me to go on and I was still terrified.

After the show
I went backstage and looked for Grayson. I couldn't find him. I called him and he answered.

"Hey Billie."

"Where are you?" I say worried.

"I'm outside in the back, I needed some air."

"The shows over now."

"Oh ok stay where you are, I'm coming inside." He hung up. Just his voice made me feel so much better. I waited for about a minute and then he came running up behind me. I turned around and hugged him.

"The show went better than I thought it would." I said pulling away from the hug.

"I could hear you from everywhere I was. It was amazing Billie, you were amazing." He said smiling. I hugged him.

"Hey, get your hands off my sister!" Finneas yelled. I forgot to tell him about Grayson.

"Finneas it's ok. This is Grayson." I said calming him down.

"Hi you must be Finneas." Grayson said holding his hand out. Finneas nodded and shook his hand.

"You did great Billie." He said hugging me and smiling.

"Thank you! Oh and hey sorry I didn't formally introduce y'all sooner." I say nervous. (Sorry if I say y'all I live in Tennessee so it comes naturally)

"Don't be there hasn't been time." I smile.

"Well hey I'll catch up to you later." Finneas have me one last hug and walked away. Grayson came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around and he kissed my forehead.

"Lets get back to the hotel." He smiled releasing me. He put his arm around my neck and we walked. My manager drove us back and he were just bored.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask standing up.

"I don't know." I get up and run to hide before he notices. I could see him he was looking around. He looked right at me. His eyes sent a shiver down my spine.

"I can see you Billie." He walked over and found me. Great. I got up and tried to run, by he caught me. Damn what was he doing to me?

He pinned me to the wall and I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and went in for a kiss. I turned my head playing around. He released my wrists and turned my head slightly.

I giggled and he kissed me. His soft lips felt right on mine. Why do I think this cheesy shit. I mean I'm Billie Eilish, I'm supposed to be the one who's always alone. Who's not happy.

I pulled away and sighed looking down. Grayson lifted my chin up with his finer and hugged me.

"Is something wrong princess?" He says cupping my face.

"I mean I'm Billie Eilish. I'm supposed to be sad. I'm supposed to be lonely. It's who I am, who my fans know me as. But being with you it feels right, but if my fans ever found out. Because I mean your Grayson Dolan, the Grayson Dolan." I was tearing up.

"Billie, they won't find out." He tried to reassure me.

"They will, we go to pretty much everywhere together, Gray." I say sitting down.

"Well hey my fans listen to me, so maybe if they did find out I could try, I just don't want to lose you Billie." He says sitting next to me putting his face in his hands.

"Gray." I said crying. He looked up tearing, he doesn't cry.

"Billie, just don't go." He says biting his lip so he doesn't cry.

"I'm not gonna leave you, just promise, promise that you won't hurt me." I said staring in his beautiful brown eyes. I got lost in them.

Grayson's POV
When she said that I felt so bad. When we first started to know each other I was with another girl. Billie didn't know and neither did the other person. I had to tell her.

"Billie I need to tell you something." She looks up confused.

"Go on."

"When we were first starting to get to know each other, I was with someone. But when we started to get closer I broke it off with her. You said not to hurt you and I wanted to tell you now." I didn't know how she was gonna take it.

She hug attacked me. I squeezed her, she wasn't mad. She kissed my cheek. Is this real life? I have the love of my life hugging me right now.

"I'm just glad you told me now not later." I did something right? I did something right! I picked her up and carried her to the bed.

"Hey let's get something going on Netflix." She goes on her laptop and turns  on Netflix. I go to change out of my jeans and find a sweatshirt. I pull it out and throw it to Billie. Along with a pair of sweatpants.

I change into sweatpants and no shirt. I layed next to Billie after she changed. She slowly fell asleep in my arms. This was perfect.

Is this real life?//Grayson Dolan Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now