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Grayson's POV
We get to my house and I go upstairs. I knock on E's door and he opens a few seconds later.

"Hey E?" I ask. He steps out of his room.


"So I have big news but you might not be very fond about it."

"Ok, what is it."

"Billie is going on her world tour."

"Oh Grayson, I know how much she's brought you out of the dark bro."

"Yeah," I pause, "she asked me to go with her."

"Are you gonna go?"

"That's what I needed to talk to you about."

"I mean I don't want to be away from you for that long of a time, but I also don't want you doing anything again."

"So your saying?"

"You should and need to go with Billie, I'll fly to where ever you are every once and a while I promise."

"Thanks bro." I hug him tight and almost start crying. We release and I go back downstairs to Billie.

"So what's gonna happen?" Billie asks walking over to me.

"I'm going with you and E is gonna fly to where ever we are sometimes to see us." She smiles and hugs me. I hug her back and she jumps into my arms. I heard her whisper 'thank you'. I smiled and we sat on the couch.

We finished The Kissing Booth and after it was over Billie was already asleep. I smiled and slowly fell asleep on the couch with the love of my life.

Billie's POV
I woke up early and woke up Grayson. We got ready and said our goodbyes. Ethan drove us to the airport and then we went through all the airport bull shit. We went into a cafe until our flight was called.

We were talk in the cafe until someone came up to us. It wasn't a fan girl, it was an older lady. She looked very nice and presentable.

"Oh my dears are you two together?" She asks smiling.

"No we aren't. Do we know you?" I asked smiling.

"No you don't know me, but I know you. You two are very cute together." She says smiling and walks away.

"That was weird." I say giggling. I knew he thought that was cute when I giggled or blushed. Our flight was called and we grabbed our stuff. Grayson put his arm around me as we walked to the plane. We gave our tickets and found out seats.

First stop Tokyo! I thought to myself. We sat down and I sat nearest to the window. Grayson sat in the middle next to another girl. She was way prettier than me, I could clearly see her hitting on Grayson. I grabbed his arm and used it as a pillow. He looked at me and smiled. The girl got up to go to the bath room so I wanted to talk about it.

"She was hitting on you." I say seriously not moving from my position.

"I know she was," He started, "but you know I only have eyes for you right?"

"Yeah I know that but still. You know how I am." I said trying my best not to sound like a total baby.

Grayson's POV
I knew how she was. I listen to her songs too. She says it in her songs, it's hard for her to love. I got lucky, out of everyone. I can't ruin it. I don't know what she thought, but she didn't sound like a baby it was adorable. She was adorable.

I layed my head back and just watched her fall asleep. The girl next to me kept bugging me but I ignored it. Until she asked me,

"Why are you ignoring all of this." She was making sexual movements and I just kissed Billie's forehead. She woke up and saw the girl sitting next to me.

"Nope, uh uh, Grayson we're switching seats now." She demanded.

"Ok." I said firmly. We switched seats and I felt a lot better. Billie got comfortable and the girl stopped messing with us. We both fell asleep until the flight landed.

Billie's POV
Grayson was still sleeping and we were about to land. He was so peaceful I didn't want to wake him up. I ran my fingers through his hair, he woke up.

"Hi." I said smiling largely. He chuckled.

"Hi." He said back, looking out the window.

"That's Tokyo, Gray." I said giggling.

Grayson's POV
"It's beautiful." 'Like you' I thought to myself. The plane landed and we got our stuff and unloaded the plane. We once again went through all the airport bullshit. We got a cab to the hotel and the scenery was amazing.

At the hotel
Billie's POV
We set all of our stuff down and decide to explore the town. I grab his hand and drag him to the elevator. We got down to the lobby and then we hit the town.

"Race you to that stop sign!" I yell already starting to run. Damn he was fast. He caught up to me swiftly and picked me up.

"Trying to trick me?" He asks spinning.

"No." I blush. He smiles and it's literally so cute. For god's sake, is this even real life?!

Grayson's POV
She was adorable. I loved her, shoulder I tell her here in Tokyo? Or wait till Paris? I don't think I could wait! For god's sake, is this even real life?!

We went to a few shops and then went out to dinner. After dinner it was late and Billie has her first show tomorrow. We got back to the hotel and got into bed.

"Goodnight Gray." Billie whispered.

"Night Billie." I whisper back, putting a smile on her face. Her smile slowly fades as she falls asleep. She was so peaceful.

The next day
Billie's POV
I woke up to my phone buzzing uncontrollably. It was my manager.

"Hello?" I say still half asleep.

"Hey Billie, the show is being delayed half an hour because of weather." He explains.

"Ok thank you." I said softly. I hung up and looked at Grayson. He was still asleep, but sadly I had to wake him from his peaceful sleep. I nudge him slightly and he wakes up.

"Good morning." He said in a deep voice. Now that was more than adorable.

"Hey the show was delayed half an hour." I tell him as he plays with my hair.

"More alone time." He smirks and my face turns super red. He laughed seeing what he did to me.

Longer chapter yay!! I hope you like this chapter!! What's gonna happen next? What does he mean by 'Alone time'?

-Daddy V

Is this real life?//Grayson Dolan Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now