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Grayson's POV
I miss her so much. I got the strength to fly to her and surprise her. The plane ride was long and made me even more anxious to see her. I got the address of where she was staying from her manager.

I pulled up to the large building and got ready. I walked in and up to the 4th floor. I finally found her room, '415'. I knocked on the door and she answered.

"Hi princess." I smiled. She jumped into my arms. I kissed her cheek and put her down.

"You came!" She sounded so excited, I was happy. We went into the room and just talked. This is what I wanted forever, just sit here and be this close.

"Ok is there anything you haven't told me?" He said while we were playing 20 questions.

Billie's POV
This is the time. I have to tell him. I don't want him to think of me different though.

"There is one thing I haven't told you. But I haven't told you because I don't want you to think of me different." I said fiddling with my hands.

"I promise I won't Billie." He said reassuringly.

"I have a disease. I've hid it for this long but it's so hard to hide." I couldn't make eye contact.

"What is it Billie?" He said holding me. We sat in silence for a moment. I turned back to look at him, tears in my eyes.

"I have Tourette's." It was hard to say. He's the only person besides family that knows. I'm gonna tell my fans soon. I just don't know how.

"Billie, why would I think of you different?  I love you the way you are and nothing will change that." He kissed me.

"It's just I didn't want you to treat me like I'm special. I'm not I just tic sometimes that's all. Thank you." I smile.

"What do you say we go get something to eat?" I nodded and he picked me up. We exited the lobby and went to find a place to eat. We found a cafe named, 'Café Kranzler'. (That's a real cafe btw look it up. Their in Berlin btw bc that's where she was on her tour soooo.)

We ordered our food and sat down. I was so happy he was here with me. I knew he kinda sore though, I can see it in his eyes. But he hid it for the most part. Our food came and we ate and talked about pretty much everything.

He paid the bill even though I insisted I pay. We walked close together, being stopped every once in a while. I'm happy that the world knows he's mine.

We finally got back to the hotel. It was about 3 hours before the show. We got dressed and my manager drove us to the theater.

"Hey, Rick?" I said to get my managers attention.

"Yes Billie?"

"The next break is two months long correct?"

"Yes it is, why?"

"No reason just wondering." I wanted to go on a trip with Grayson during the time, but I don't know where. After tonight's show I'll have nothing to worry about for two months.

At theater, me and Finneas were about to go onstage. We got the go and I said one last goodbye to Grayson. I ran out on stage and we did our thing.

After the show I went backstage and I couldn't find Grayson, yet again. I stepped outside and saw Grayson. With another girl. He was making out with her. I wanted to puke. I stood there like an idiot, he saw me. I ran, I ran as fast as I could to Finneas. I almost collapsed in his arms.

"What happened Billie?" He said concerned.

"H-he cheated. This is why I never dated! This is why I never tried to love anyone! I knew I would get hurt!" I yelled falling to the floor. Grayson came over to me, like nothing happened.

"Billie! What happened?!" He yelled.

"Don't act like you don't know what happened! Get away from me!" Finneas helped me up. The expression on Grayson's face was shock. I could see the tears in his eyes. Ethan came up behind him, when the hell did he get here?

"Billie! It wasn't him! It was me you saw!" He said, Grayson still frozen.

"I fucking hate twins, there's no way I'll know for sure." I left. As he stood there froze, I left. There was no way I'll know for sure. Because if he really loves me, he would be running after me. Everything he's done for me, was Ethan telling the truth?

I went back to the hotel still dazed. If he loves me, he'd show up. I went on Instagram and I went to start a new post.


billieeilish- I cant afford to love someone

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billieeilish- I cant afford to love someone

I was scrolling through my feed and saw Grayson's newest post. I wanted to cry. I felt so bad. I'm so stupid.


graysondolan- I lost this amazing girl @billieeilish because of my brother @ethandolan sometimes I really hate being a twin🙄😒☹️

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graysondolan- I lost this amazing girl @billieeilish because of my brother @ethandolan sometimes I really hate being a twin🙄😒☹️

Wow. He wasn't lying. I feel bad, so bad. I'm stupid. I'm stupid. I'm. Stupid. I needed to call him, I had to make things right. I called him. He wasn't answering. He finally answered.

"Hello?" He was crying, I could tell.

"I'm sorry." I said crying as well.

"For what?" He sounded a bit annoyed.

"For walking out. For not believing you. For leaving you." I said pausing in between each apology.

"I'm on my way." He said.

"Ok." I didn't know what to say. He hung up and I waited. Where was he? I didn't know. We're in Germany. We're not home. About 20 minutes passed. I heard a knock on the door.

I sprung up and opened the door. Before me was a beat up Grayson. What the hell happened?!

"Oh my god Gray! What happened?!" I was concerned.

"Your brother. While I was frozen and helpless, he took advantage." He looked down, like he did something wrong.

"Hey," he looked up. "You did nothing wrong Gray. I'm literally about to hurt him." He could tell I was angry. But his soft eyes met mine. I couldn't help it, I hugged him, I kissed him. He didn't hesitate, he picked me up and walked into the room. He closed the door behind us with his foot, never breaking the kiss.

I've decided that I will be taking a break from all social media except wattpad. I will still stay up to date with Grayson on insta as well as Billie. But that it. I hate making these long so bye!!

-Daddy V

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