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Billie's POV
I had went home for that night. It was hard not being with him, but my family wanted me home. I woke up the next morning with my phone buzzing uncontrollably. I picked it up and I was flooded with fan posts and comments.

I got up and went downstairs. My mom has made everyone breakfast. We ate and talked as a family, which we haven't done in a while. It's been a crazy 2 weeks. After breakfast I invited Grayson over, we swam in my pool for a bit before coming in a drying off.

"So was your phone as flooded as mine?" I ask.

"Yeah, it woke me up."

"Same." We laughed and talked for a while. We had taken pictures and posted them to Snapchat. I went on my post to look at the comments.

This is unexpected
What is this
It should be me
They're so cute together
Why is everyone so hyper they look good together
This can't be happening

My fans are awesome. I showed Grayson the comments and we laughed. He lit up my world. My brain still thinks the same, but not when I'm with him. But I also don't wanna be like everybody else. Being overly happy that is.

I love him. I do. But does he really think it back? I shook the thought from my brain. Me and Grayson were sitting out in the sun just enjoying life. We heard a scream. I got up and ran to where the noise was coming from.

There was someone in the house. My mom was being forced by the person. It was a guy a little less built than Grayson. They were hold omg a knife to my mom.

"Go call 911 now!" Grayson whisper-yelled. I ran outside to get my phone and called 911. I went back inside and Grayson was first fighting the dude.

My mom ran to me and hugged me. I heard a manly scream. I looked over and the guy had stabbed Grayson's leg and arm. The police came from the back door and the front door.

The guy jumped off of Grayson while he lay there in pain. The paramedics rushed over to him and got him into the ambulance.

"Only one person can come in the ambulance with him." The paramedic said to me and my mom.

"I'll go mom. You drive to the hospital." She nodded and I ran to the ambulance. I hugged him crying.he hugged me back but it was weak. I sat next to him holding his hand. We were rushed to the hospital meeting my mom there. They took him to a room and after a while the doctor came out.

"Billie and Maggie?" We stood up and walked over to him.

"Will he be alright?" I said shakily.

"Yes but he had to undergo surgery. He will make it but he'll have to stay in the hospital for a while. We don't have and estimated time yet." I buried my face in my moms shoulder crying.

"Can we see him?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am, he just woke up. Right this way." Me and my mom followed the doctor to the room. He pointed to the door and I opened it, running to him.

All I could do was cry. His hug was stronger now, I didn't think he would let go anytime soon. Neither of us could say a word. We just hugged for what seemed like forever.

"Hey Billie, my boss just called me and he needs me to go in. I'll be back to check on you two when I can. I love you." She say closing the door.

"Get up here." He says in a low, husky voice.

"What?" I say confused.

"Get up here next to me. Don't stand." He scooted over and I got onto the bed cuddling him. It was quiet. We were calmed down, sitting silently. I could hear his heart, it's was like music to my ears.

Grayson's POV
I knew I was going to get hurt. I did it for Billie. To protect her, I don't know what I'd do if I let her get hurt again. She's my world, I love her.

"Billie?" I said making sure she wasn't asleep.

"Yeah?" She said, her voice breaking.

"I love you." I croaked.

"I love you too, Gray." She looked up at me and kissed me. Feeling her soft lips on mine, made me want her more.

"I knew I was gonna get hurt. But I had to protect you. I couldn't let you get hurt, I care too much. Your world Billie Eilish." I said squeezing her.

"I love you so much. Your my world too. I care about you and seeing you hurt, hurts me. But knowing you did it to protect me because you care, makes me love you even more. I love you, Grayson Dolan." I cup her face and bring her closer to me. I smashed my lips into hers, our lips fitting perfectly together.

Billie's POV
Staying in that hospital with Grayson for a few days made us so tired. But it got us closer. I have to continue the tour, but this time without Grayson. He'll be in LA while I'll be in Germany.

Grayson and my mom are dropping me off at the airport. I got all my stuff out of the car and was walking into the airport before Grayson stopped me.

"Wait Billie!" I spun around.

"Yeah?" I said already starting to tear up.

"Here take these." He hands me one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants. I took them and hugged him. We kissed not releasing for a while. When we finally did, he got in the car and they were gone.

This was gonna be hard without him. I miss him already why can't he just come back. I want him, I need him. For fucks sake is this real life?!

Is this real life?//Grayson Dolan Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now