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Billie's POV
Before I know it Grayson grabbed me and pulled me closer. The heat of his body was soothing. He started to play with my hair. I looked up at him with my head still on his chest.

"I'm kinda glad it was delayed." He stated.

"Same." He kisses my forehead. I smash my lips into his, moving them in sync. He pulled away.

"Are you sure, Princess?" I nod and our lips connect, moving in sync once again. I straddle him never breaking the kiss. In one swift movement Grayson got on top of me. Still never breaking the kiss.

He takes my shirt off and kisses me once again with such passion. He takes off his shirt and holds my wrists down to the bed. I've never felt like this is in my life.

His eyes weren't filled with lust, they were filled with love and passion. Besides my mom and brother, he's the only non family member that loves me.

He moved down to my neck, finding my sweet spot. I moaned slightly and arched my back. He unclipped my bra, exposing my breasts. He leaves wet kisses down the middle of my torso.

He sucks my nipple and massages my open breast. Earning a moan, he goes to the other breast. He moves down to my panty line and stopped looking up at me for allowance. I nodded and took my pants off. He started to lightly rub my clit. I grabbed his hair, pulling lightly.

He sucked on my already wet pussy. I moaned and arched my back. I grinder my hips making him groan. He stopped and got up unbuttoning his pants. He took his pants off along with his underwear. Damn he was huge.

He teased my entrance making me even more wet. He slipped in his length not all the way, making a small unnoticeable tear form in my eyes. Soon he was fully in me. He started to thrust. Getting faster and faster with every thrust.

"G- Grayson!" I moan loudly biting my lip. He started to grind while thrusting faster and faster. I felt a knot in my stomach. Oh damn he was good.

"I'm g-gonna—" I started but was cut off.

"Not yet." He says pulling out. He collapsed onto the bed next to me. I turned over and kissed him. He cupped my face bringing me closer.

"Your so damn hot, Gray." I say still trying to catch my breath.

"Not hotter than you." He says kissing me again. I checked the time and we needed to get ready.......quick.

Sorry for the short chapter, a longer chapter will be next!! Hope you enjoy! And this was actually kinda fun to write.......... I'm literally insane😂😂

-Daddy V

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