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"Do you know who I am?" He says in a kinda iffy tone.

"What is there something more I should know about you?" I was really confused at his question.

"Well me and my brother are kinda famous but I didn't tell you sooner because I didn't want you to only talk to me because I'm famous." He explains.

"Well now that you've gotten that off your chest, I make music and I didn't tell you for the same reason." I say looking away from his deep brown eyes.

"I've never known what Billie Eilish looked like but I realize now it's you right?" He says kinda laughing.

"Yeah and I've never known about the Dolan Twins because I'm not really into famous guys on the internet that girls are quacking over on a daily basis." I say with a 'I'm not really joking' tone.

"Yeah I get it, you know people think that my brother and I only do YouTube for the views and the money but we do it because we love it." He says.

"People think I make music just for the money, but I make music because it's my passion." I say looking up at him due to my short height. We went to quite a few different stores just looking around not getting anything. We went into the Nike store and looked around. We both found a black Nike hat and we decided to get it matching.

It was now 5:00 and i called my mom to come and get me. I hugged Grayson goodbye and got in the car to go home. The car ride was completely silent. When I got home I took off my makeup and texted Courtney.

Me; oof come over bitch

Courtney; after you tell me who you were with

Me; Grayson Dolan

Courtney; does Finneas know??

Me; no idk when he'll know I mean we aren't dating

Courtney; ur not?!?!

Me; we've only known each other for like 5 days

Courtney; fuck the time say sum

While I was texting Courtney my phone buzzes. It was from Grayson. He said he wanted to know where I live. This gave me shivers. I texted him my address and he replied, "thx babygirl see you soon". I texted Courtney that plans have changed she sent me and audio recording of her screaming and say "DATE HIM". She amused me.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran down the stairs like flash. But my mom got there before me. She greeted him and he came in. I hugged him and he grabbed my ass with out my mom knowing. I grinned at him and he smirked.

We went upstairs and I locked the door before he could get there. I unlocked it and he ran in laughing. We both fell on my bed laughing really hard. We calmed down and just chilled. I looked at my phone and read the time.

"Oh shit!" I say looking at Grayson.

"What?" He says confused.

"It's fucking 10 o'clock," I say sighing, "Can you stay with me tonight?" I say pouting.

"Sure." He smiled. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I came out of the bathroom and Grayson was already asleep. I climbed into bed and he grabbed my waist. I scooted closer to him and faced him. I smiled and he smiled back.

The next morning I woke up and I was still in Grayson's arms. I slowly slide out of his grip and he smiles.

"Good morning, Grayson." I chuckle.

"Good morning beautiful." He says getting up. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I stare into his brown eyes that are slowly fading into green. His eyes are so magical. He picks me up and carries me down the stairs.

My mom wasn't home so we could do whatever we wanted. We sat on the couch and I opened my phone. I had a text message from my mom. I opened it and it was a picture of me in Grayson's arms. I text her back.


Mom; yes baby I did you two are so cute together

Me; wow mom

I go check my message from Courtney. It was the same pic and she was screaming at me. Grayson looks at my phone and sees the photo.

"Omg who took that?!?" She says laughing.

"My mom." I start laughing.

"What did ur mom say." He asks.

"Nothing she just sent me it." I reply.

"Do you know who James Charles is?" He says pulling me onto him.

"Yeah, do you know him?" I say.

"Yeah wanna meet him and his brother later today?" He asks.

"Sure." I smile and get up. He follows me to my room and he shuts the door. I go over to my closet and pick out an over-sized thrashers hoodie. I put shorts under but you can't see them. I grab my Adidas tennis shoes and we walk out the door.

I was so excited!! We arrive at James' studio and Grayson introduces me. Ian comes up to me and he was so hot. He shakes my hand and I froze. Grayson comes up behind me and whispers in my ear.

"Be careful around him." He says sternly.

"Why?" I ask.

"He's one of those." He says. I nod and stay close to him. I sits down while Grayson goes to the bathroom. Ian sits next to me and puts his arm around me. I scoot away clearly stating I'm not interested. He continues to touch me and tries to kiss me. James wasn't in the room it was just me and Ian.

Ian forced his way on top of me and I tried my hardest to push him off. He wasn't moving and he was pinning me down. It hurt but I couldn't speak I was in shock. Grayson comes out of the bathroom and notices me. He yells at Ian.

"Hey get the fuck off her!!!!" He pulls Ian off me and grabs me as I cry. Grayson comforts me as James comes in and takes care of Ian. I was in a ball with Grayson wrapping his arms around my small body.

Everything that just happened makes the memories come back. I started to have trouble breathing and Grayson noticed.
Thx babes for reading sry about the cliffhanger🦕🦕❤️❤️🥰😍😘😘

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