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Grayson noticed my breathing problems and quickly ran into the kitchen still holding me. James saw that I couldn't breathe and called and ambulance. They arrived quick and took me back to the hospital.

Grayson's POV

I got on Billies phone and called her mom. Her mom answered and I told her everything that happened. She was already on her way by time the call ended and she was there in about 20 minutes.

Her mom ran to Billies room. We entered the room and she ran to Billie. Her mom was crying and repeatedly saying sorry.

"Mrs?" I say not knowing what to call her.

"Yes?" She says.

"What happened? Why is she like this?" I asked confused.

"Two years ago, Billie almost got raped," her mom trembled and paused, "If I wasn't there to catch the person she would have gotten raped."

"Oh my gosh!! If I didn't go to the bathroom none of this would have happened I shouldn't have left her alone if the same room with him." I cry into my hands knowing that this was all my fault.

"Darling, do not blame this on you, you didn't know he was going to do that and you didn't know that she had been through that. It's not your fault, I promise." She says. I look over at Billie and she was just waking up. I run over to her and hug her.

"I'm so glad your ok Billie!!" I say.

"Thank you Gray, for being there." She says softly.

"I'm so sorry I left you alone with that bastard!" I cry to her.

"Your silly," she paused," If you think this is your fault your silly."

I looked at her confused. It was my fault. I left her alone knowing what he was capable of. I was crying at this point. I've only know Billie for like a week but it feels like years.

"Billie, I left you alone with Ian knowing what he was capable of." I say sobbing.

"You know your really fucking funny. Wait till you meet Finneas." She said holding my face.

"Who's that?" I ask confused.

"My older brother." She smiles and her eyes lit up. She was so beautiful.

"Mr?" A voice calls behind me,"Visiting hours are over." I look at Billie and frown.

"Hey umm actually he's starting over night." Billie replies.

"Thank you." I say. I lean down and hug her with tears still in my eyes.

"Stop crying." She laughs crying herself.

"Ok but let me go to my house and get my stuff to stay with you. I'll even bring in some snacks." I smile.

"Ok and hey bring some Taco Bell!" She yells as I walk out the door.

"Alright I will!" I yell back. I go out and get into my car. I start driving and then I get a call from Ethan. I answer the phone but heard nothing.

"Hello..." I say.

"Hey Gray we need to film tomorrow." He says.

"Ok I'm on my way home now I'm staying with Billie in the hospital." I say bringing tears to my eyes.

"Damn what happened?!" He shouts.

"It was Ian but I'll explain when I get there." I say with my breath hitching.

"Alright bro." He says hanging up. I pull in the driveway and shut off my car. I walk into my house and get attacked by Ethan. We laugh and I explain what happened with Billie.

"Oh my like I knew his background but I never thought he would go that far." His voice trails off.

"It was my fault I left her alone with him knowing what he could do." I say hugging my brother and walking out the door. I drove to the nearest Taco Bell and ordered Billie a burrito.

I left Taco Bell and drove back to the hospital. I entered Billies room and she looked up at me. She smiled and I laughed.

I handed her her burrito and a water

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I handed her her burrito and a water. She hugged me and took a big bite out of her burrito. I watched her as she ate. She looks up and caught me staring.

"Ok look I know I eat like an Irish person drinks beer but don't stare." She laughs playfully.

"Omg I never noticed that!!" I laugh. We laugh and have a good time until we notice the time. 2:36am.

"Well goodnight Grayson." Billie smiles.

"Goodnight Billie."

Billie's POV
He smiled softly and I got this feeling. Safety. It was weird. But the main thing on my mind is that I just want to be out of this hospital room already. I drifted off to sleep slowly and thinking about how peaceful Grayson is when he sleeps.

I woke up that same morning to the machine beeping. I groaned and looked over at Grayson. We was still asleep and I laughed. He started to wake up and I quickly acted like I was asleep.

"You can't fool me, I know you're awake." He laughs and I open my eyes.

"How?" I say throwing my arms up.

"I don't know I'm just good like that." We burst into laughter as he acts like he flipped his hair. I stuck my tongue out at him because of his remark. He laughed and got up.

My eyes followed him and his every move. I know that I'm famous too but this was still unreal. He came and sat on my hospital bed.

"Let's get you out of this hell and go get ice cream." I smile and sit up. He leaves the room and comes back with a nurse. She turns off the machine and I'm finally out of this place. But all thanks to Grayson. He's honestly amazing.

I don't quite know if I have feelings for him yet but I know for a fact if I did, he doesn't feel the same way.

Grayson's POV
I want to tell her how I feel but I'm scared. She doesn't feel the same way and I know it. Should I tell her? No I can't. But should I?

I brush it off and she comes out of the bathroom in her clothes her mom brought. She had on some stuff she normally would never wear. She had on some skinny jeans and a tucked in tank top.

"Well lets go!" She says laughing. I turned around to walk out the door and Billie jumped on my back. I laughed and walked out of the hospital with the girl I like on my back.

Is this real life?//Grayson Dolan Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now