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Billie's POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It smelled like Grayson. I looked around the room and didn't recognize anything. The door opened and Grayson came in.

"Oh your awake. How did you sleep?" He says softly.

"Good and also where am I?" I say sitting up.

"In my room because you fell asleep in my lap on the couch." He chuckles and I get up walking towards him. I go to walk past him and he grabs my hand. I pause and look back. He smiles and lets go. That was odd.

Grayson's POV
I was going to tell her but chickened out. She pulled me down the stairs and outside. She pushed me into the passenger side and got into the drivers.

"Where are we going?" I ask putting my seat belt on.

"You'll see pretty boy." She says smiling at me. Did she just- oh jeez. I think to myself.

"Oh umm, ok." I say awkwardly.

"Your actually cute when your awkward." She laughs.

"Hey am not." I say in the most babyish tone possible.

"Omg." She laughs again.

"Your cute too." I blurt out. I cover my mouth and look away. She didn't laugh but instead blushed. SHE WAS FUCKING ADORABLE! But sadly I've only known her for a week. I can't fall for her too quick.

We pulled into a vacant lot and she sighed. I looked over worried. She just kept looking down. I saw a tear roll down her cheek. I tried to hug her but she just pushed me away slightly.

"Is everything ok?" I say rubbing her shoulder. She shook her head and collected herself.

"I didn't tell you sooner because I was afraid but I haven't been very truthful." I was shookith by her words.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not an only child. I have one sibling, a brother. His name is Finneas. But it doesn't end there." She started to bawl and I was still super confused.

"Ok what else?" I ask anxious.

"We're going on a world tour. Me and him leave.... tomorrow." She was shocked herself. But me I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. I unbuckled and got out of the car. She looked up confused.

I opened her car door and she looked down. I lifted her chin up with my index finger. I smiled at her and hugged her. I pulled away and looked into blue eyes. Every time she looks at me her eyes sparkle.

I leaned in and kissed her. Our lips moving perfectly in sync. I felt the hot tears from her face on mine. I pulled away slowly and wiped her tears with my thumb.

"Grayson?" She said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah?" I said with so many things rushing through my mind. Did I make the wrong choice? Does she not feel the same way? Was I right about her not thinking the same? Have I ruined everything.

"Can you come on tour with me?" Those words made me smile. I wouldn't have to leave her, but what about Ethan?

"Yes Billie, I'll come on tour with you!" I hug her tight and kiss her forehead. I love this girl so much.

Hey thx for reading my story! Also I was thinking do you want a face reveal I've been thinking about it!! Anyways hope you enjoy and sorry for the short chapter again!!

-Daddy V

Is this real life?//Grayson Dolan Fanfic(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now