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Billie's POV
I jumped on Grayson's back we were out of the hospital. When we got to the car I hopped off his back and got in. He got in the drivers seat and we were off.

We got to the ice cream shop and me and Grayson walked in. We ordered our ice cream and waited. Our ice cream came and we just talked and joked around. Grayson gave me this...feeling. Unlike any other feeling I've ever felt.

It's just when he smiled, it was perfect. When he laughed, perfect. When he cared, perfect. Do I like him? Hell I don't know. But I do know I don't wanna lose him. But he probably doesn't feel the same way.

We finished our ice cream and headed outside. I stopped and pulled on Grayson's shirt to get his attention.

"Is that your brother?" I say pointing. It was.

"Yea that is and he's with a girl." I smile to Gray trying not to laugh. He kisses her and they kiss for a few seconds. It was so cute. Me and Gray got into the car and we were off.

"So what now?" I say looking over at Gray admiring him.

"I don't know, wanna go to my place and watch a movie or something?" He smiles.

Grayson's POV
"Sure." She smiles and it was so cute. She was perfect. Her smile, her laugh, her. I didn't care for her fame like she didn't care for mine. It's nice to finally have someone that likes me for me and not my fame.

We got to my house and got out. She jumped on my back again and we went inside. We went to the kitchen and I set her down on the counter.

"Want anything to drink?" I ask.

"Water please." She just say there smiling and looking around. I realized she's never been to my house.

"Here you go." I smiled hand her the water. She hops off the counter and sits on the couch with me. I turn on Netflix and pick a movie, a classic at that. The Kissing Booth.

About half way through the movie the front door opens. Making our heads turn. Ethan walked in with the same girl from earlier and me and Billie scooted apart.

Ethan didn't even notice us and he went into his room. He kissed the girl and shut the door. Billie layed her head in my lap and I looked down at her. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Did she like me as well? Or is this just something best friends do?

Billie's POV
I layed my head on Gray's lap and I felt safe, just being next to him. That's when I realized I liked him. But he doesn't feel the same, or does he? I fell asleep thinking about it.

Grayson's POV
She was so cute when she slept. I wanted to tell her but I just didn't know how. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. I layed her down gently on my bed and layed next to her. That's when I realized I wanted nothing more than her.

Sorry for the short chapter this just seemed like a good place to leave off. But I have literally nothing to do so be expecting chapters like crazy!! But I hope you won't mind! Thx for reading!!

-Daddy V

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