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Grayson's POV
After the thing that happened with Dani, Billie hasn't been the same. I'm just a dumb boy but I think I might know what's going on. She just lost her best friend and probably feels like somethings missing.

Before I go to Billie's house today, I'm getting her something. She probably needs a companion so I'm at the pet store and I'm getting her a cat. I would get her a dog but then I couldn't go to her house or get near her.

I'm looking at all these cats and none have really caught my eye. Until I go past this cat, a black cat. It's eyes were blue, like Billie's blue. I knew right away that this one was it.

"Ma'am?" I say to get a workers attention. She walks over to me and smiles.

"What can I help you with?" She had a weird tone of voice, I shrugged it off.

"How much for this cat?" I petting it through the cage.

"A hundred-twenty." She used a key and unlocked the cage. I grabbed the cat and it was a female. On the front of the cage it had all of her information.

"Hello......Lola." I said reading her name off of the cage.

"She really likes you." The worker said smirking.

"I know, my girlfriend will love her." The worker slightly changes her happy mood to a little saddened. I got a cage, a bed, a litter box, and some cat food before paying for everything.

On the way to Billie's, I had Lola in my lap. I can't wait to see Billie's reaction. When I get there I begin to feel a bit nervous. With Lola in my arm, I knock on the door. Billie's mom opens the door and sees the cat.

"Did you get the cat for Billie?" Her mom says stunned.

"Yeah, think she'll like her?" Her mom looks at the cat and then at me.

"Definitely. Oh and she has the same blue eyes as Billie." I walk in and give her mom a hug. I walk up the stairs and knock on Billie's door.

"Come in." She sounds like she's been crying. I open her door and she sniffles.

"Surprise." I say softly. She turns around and sees Lola.

"Grayson Bailey Dolan. You didn't." She says hug attacking me.

"So I'm guessing you like her." I smile. Billie rolls her eyes.

"Like her? I love her, Gray!" She takes Lola from my hands and sits on her bed. "She has the same eyes as me."

Just seeing the smile on her face makes me so happy but so guilty at the same time. I love Billie, damnit why did I do it?

The day before
"Fuck Grayson." She moans.

"What's my name?" I say pounding into her.

"D-a-a-ddy." She moans.

"Do you like sneaking around?" I said to Dani.

"Fuck yes, but I don't understand why you can't just leave her." Anger washed over me.

"Get on your fucking knees." I demand. She gets on her knees and I pound into her as hard as I possibly can.

"What the fuck was that for?!" She screams. I keep up the hardest thrusts. Before I knew it I came onto her back.

"Never talk about me leaving her." I slap her ass. She grinds on my length, hard.

"Fine but it'll happen one day." She says winking. I slap her ass again and start getting dressed. I left Dani alone and naked in the hotel room.

Billie and I played with Lola for a while just talking about anything really. All I can think of is how I cheated on Billie. I don't know why I did it, I really don't know.

Billie's phone starts ringing and my heart drops when I read who it is. Dani. I start to panic I don't know what to do. Billie surprisingly answers it.

"What do you want?" She says annoyed.

"If your with Grayson put me on speaker." She does and I start to tear up.

"Grayson, what the hell is this about?" Her face turns white and I look away.

"He didn't tell you?" Dani has some nerve, but so do I.

"Tell me what?" She looks mad and I just stay silent.

"He cheated, with me. Last night it was just me him and the tension." Her face dropped. Down her emotionless face, a tear.

"Grayson, get the hell out of my house. Now!" I stand up and she just looks at me. "To think I loved you."

She pushed me out. I mean down the stairs and out of the front door. I got in my car and drove off. To where I don't know.

Billie's POV
After I shut the door I drop to the floor. My knees don't work anymore. This is the reason I never tried to love again. My mom ran over to me and just held me.

"What happened honey?" She says not knowing what to do.

"He cheated, with Dani." I manage to get out. She squeezes me and I don't know what to do.

"Oh honey. It's o-" She starts before I cut her off.

"No mom. It won't be ok. I loved him, he got a cat for fucks sake! Only for me to find out that he cheated, with my ex best friend out of all people." I stood up and knew what I had to do.

"What are you doing honey?" My mom says taking my hand.

"We're going to the phone store and we're changing my number." I said grabbing the keys and dragging her out the door. And with that, I would never hear from Grayson Bailey fucking Dolan again.

THIS IS THE END!! It's been a crazy ride. But this is t the end of Billie and Grayson. I will be making a sequel to this book that will be out soon! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and I hope you enjoyed this book. I love you all!❤️

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