Ch. 3 ✿ A Date

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The work hours seemed to pass much slower than they should, but Y/N didn't mind it.  It was an excuse to get away from her parents.  She arranged dining sets up on the shelves with care, focusing on the pretty details painted along the rim of the plates rather than her parent's harsh words from this morning.

Ever since last night, Seokjin hadn't left her mind.  She wondered if she should feel embarrassed after being caught in little space.  There weren't many people who had seen that side of her, but most of the reactions she'd gotten were far less than kind.  So naturally, the idea of being caught off guard would terrify her.  But there was something different about the man she had met last night.  Although he was a complete stranger to her, she couldn't stop thinking about the way he smiled at her.  There was something about the way he looked at her that made her feel oddly comfortable.  Images of his gentle face passed through her mind making her face turn red.

She looked up at the giant clock mounted on the store wall and sighed.  There were only 30 more minutes left in her shift for today.  She wasn't sure if she was more disappointed at the idea of going back home, or the fact that she didn't get a chance to see the man that had been occupying her mind.

•  •  •

Still untying her apron, Y/N pushed her way into the locker room.  It was quiet enough to hear the soft tap of her shoes against the tiled floor.  She twisted the lock and opened the door to reveal her bag sitting inside the small cubby.  She quietly hummed as she reached up to release her hair from its tight ponytail, letting it fall down her shoulders.  Shaking her head, she let it relax in its freedom before sighing in relief.

"There you are!" 

Y/N jumped at the sudden voice coming from behind.  She thought she was alone this whole time.  But after turning around, her shock melted away into a smile.  It was him.

"Hi Seokjin," she beamed. "I hadn't seen you around, I assumed you weren't working today."

"I don't actually, I just came to see you."

He smiled at her gently as Y/N's heart sped up.

"Just to see me?"  She blinked at him, confused and a bit flustered.

"Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking about you since last night.  And um, I was wondering..."  He paused for a moment and watched her, careful to make sure she wasn't cringing at his forwardness.  Quickly realizing he had unintentionally created suspense, he didn't take a moment longer to ask.  "Would like it if I took you out for a date?"

A date??? 

Her heart had practically stopped as her face immediately turned bright red.  No one had ever asked her out on a date before.  Her lips curled into a small, shy smile. She looked down hoping he wouldn't notice the redness of her face, but he did- and he loved it.  Without thinking too much, she mustered up the courage to respond.

"I'd love to~"

"Perfect."  A giggle hummed from behind Seokjin's lips, satisfied.  "How does coffee sound?"

Y/N hesitated to answer.  She wasn't the biggest fan of coffee, but she didn't want to say no.  Seokjin saw her contemplating an answer and laughed.

"Coffee isn't really your thing, is it?"  His face was gleaming with joy, clearly enjoying every second of this moment.  "How about something a little more fun?"

"Like what?"  Her ears perked up at the word 'fun'.

"How about a picnic near the park?"

Her shoulders lifted, unconsciously gasping in excitement.  That was the moment when he couldn't hold it in any longer.  He let out a happy, contagious burst of laughter, catching Y/N off guard.  This can't be real.  She's way too cute.  He calmed himself enough to talk again.

"The park, it is."  He spoke between his smile motioning his hand towards the exit.  "If you're free, we could head out now."

Y/N's parents suddenly drifted through her mind.  They knew her schedule and would certainly notice if she was late.  But if she asked them, she knew they would never say yes.  She quickly tried weighing her priorities as Seokjin patiently waited for her response.  If she didn't go now, she might never get the chance again.

Well, they couldn't get TOO mad, right?

She grabbed her bag out of her locker and looked up at Seokjin with a bright smile.

"Let's go!"

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