Ch. 16 ✿ The Past

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The car rumbled down the outskirts of town, passing the not-so-modern rural areas. Y/N had finally finished her ice cream and, since they had a bit of extra time, Seokjin decided to take Y/N on a bit more of a scenic route. The isolated country road was much more pleasant than the loud and hectic city. The ride was calming and quiet as they passed what could have been the entire country's worth of corn supply. Seokjin had rolled the windows down so they could enjoy the beautiful cool weather. Since there wasn't any traffic, Seokjin had the chance to look over at Y/N every so often, which he liked. He turned his head slightly, trying to catch a glimpse without her noticing. She had taken her shoes off and sat with her knees propped up against the headboard, peacefully watching the blue, cloud-speckled sky. A smile curved on his lips as he sighed happily and turned back to the road.

"I like this," he said, breaking the silence.

"Like what?" Y/N turned to him, her voice sounding more like an adult's for the first time in a while. Seokjin noticed this and smiled.

"This moment. Driving outside of the city, the windows rolled down, you watching the clouds..." Seokjin nodded, soaking it all in. He looked back at her, meeting her eyes for a moment before and smiling. "Life feels so comfortable right now. I like it."

Y/N giggled at his cheesy confession and blushed, agreeing with him whole-heartedly.

"You're right. This is so comforting. It's especially nice to have wind-styled hair like this. I feel like a celebrity."

She leaned closer to the window, making her hair whip around wildly for him to see. Seokjin laughed as Y/N closed her eyes, trying to look glamorous as her hair transformed into a giant tumbleweed on her head. He shook his head at her and turned his focus back to the road. Her voice sounded so different when she was big.

"Oh, of course! Look at you, you're so fabulous," he teased before changing the subject. "You actually don't sound like the tiny baby I'm so used to. Are you..." He took a second to try and remember the correct term. "Are you big right now?"

"Yeah, you caught me," she chuckled. "I know you haven't seen me big too much yet. Sorry about that."

"Hey, no! Don't apologize. I was just excited to see adult Y/N for once. It's a good thing that you're little so often. It just shows me how much you trust me."

Seokjin reassured her and brushed his hand against hers, getting an instant response as she folded fingers between his. He let out a small, airy chuckle- just happy to be touching her. Big or little, she was still as clingy as always.

"I want to ask a question," Seokjin began speaking again, slightly more serious this time. "I would never ask little you about this, but if you're uncomfortable with talking about things when you're big either, don't feel like you have to."

"Oh, okay. What is it?" Y/N asked, a bit worried.

"It's about your father--"


Seokjin burst out laughing at her immediate reaction. He pursed his lips, trying to stop himself from laughing since that could've been her way of saying she didn't want to talk about it. He was worried he'd been wrong to laugh until he saw her smiling at him.

"Sorry, you can finish~" She reassured Seokjin and he sighed, relaxing his shoulders and lips from their tension. He squeezed her hand for a second as his silent 'okay'.

"Well... I saw what happened the other day. When I dropped you off."

A heavy silence choked Y/N by the neck, making her look up at him both in horror and apology.

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