Ch. 20 ✿ Him

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A/N: Emotional chapter ahead. If you're little, come back to read this later. Don't be scared, it'll be okay. TW: violence, profanity, a little blood

"So you're the man who's been sneaking off with my daughter."

Seokjin dropped his bags to the ground and stood there, his body heat rising as he struggled to find his words. Flashbacks of the time he was forced to watch his little baby be gripped by the hair flooded his mind. It took him a moment to process who this really was standing in front of him. The times Y/N had opened up about her struggles in life were all caused by this man. Her insecurities, her trauma, her pain...

They were all because of him.

"And you're the man who's been abusing your daughter."

Refusing to break eye contact, Seokjin bravely waited for a response, not being phased as the man looked him up and down.

"You really think you can stand up to me?" The father's posture straightened, an annoyed airy chuckle left his lips as he stared Seokjin down. "I could ruin your life with a snap of a finger."

"What do you want?" Seokjins brows creased as he clenched his teeth, articulating every word with the anger he struggled to keep under control.

"She's good for nothing."

"Excuse me?"

"She's stupid. No concept of reality or responsibility. All she does is hop around like a disgusting little toddler. She's a disappointment and she knows it." He smirked, purposely testing Seokjin's patience. "Must be why she's with you, huh? At your age, the only job you can land is a night-shift janitor. I know where you live. You can barely pay the bills on that scrawny little apartment. You're both equally disappointing." The man laughed maniacally. He had clearly lost his mind at this point. "Look at you. Trying to stand up to me?! I'm dripping in money and political power. And you?! What can you possibly have to make you feel like you can stand against me?!"

"I have a heart. Money and political power mean nothing when we're talking about your shit parenting skills."

"HA! A heart?! Is that all you've got?! I could crush you under my thumb. You can't even stand up for yourself, look at you. You're not even phased because you know what I said about you is true. You're hopeless and you know it! What if I talk about your little toy again, huh?"

A raging fire burned behind Seokjin's eyes.  His heart beating out of his chest as he clenched his fist, daring him to continue.

"It's clear that you've got nothing to love her for. She's an idiot. All she does is sneak out behind my back. You're only with her because she's gullible. She's probably got tons of other men's beds to sneak inside too. You're worthless. Absolutely wor--"

"Shut up." Seokjin struggled to keep his voice steady and his shaking fists to his sides. "You're not even talking about your daughter anymore."

"What?" The man grunted, even more frustrated to be cut off.

"You're not talking about Y/N. You're talking about your wife."

There was a pause and a clear stumble in the older man's pride. The father said nothing as he puffed his chest and raised an eyebrow, waiting for Seokjin's explanation.

"You're taking your anger out on your daughter because your wife doesn't come home anymore and now she's looking for an escape too." Seokjin stepped closer, smirking as he threatened the man's dominance. "Have you ever thought that maybe they had a reason to leave you?"

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