Ch. 6 ✿ Captured

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With a gentle shove, Y/N pushed Seokjin's body down to the ground, causing the two of them falling into the grass, tumbling and laughing endlessly.

"I caught you, Jinnie!"

Y/N crawled over towards him, stumbling over her own chokes of giggles. Seokjin's eyes grew wide as he scooted himself back, pretending to struggle to get back on his feet. Y/N pounced on him, clinging herself around his arm tightly to make sure he couldn't escape. He dramatically reached up towards the sky grasping the air with his free hand.

"Oh, nooo!!! She's captured meeeeee~"

He cried out for help as Y/N smooshed her cheek against his arm, losing a bit of her sanity somewhere within her giggle fits. She had come up with a game with a long backstory that Seokjin had a hard time remembering, but the game itself simply consisted of chasing him in circles around the park until she 'captured' him. It had lasted much longer than Seokjin had expected.

He rolled his head to look over at her through the blades of grass. He smiled, watching her giggle against his skin. Her face was red and her breathing was heavy from running around so much. She had much more energy than he did, but she had to have been worn out by now. Seokjin patted her back while trying to even out his breath.

"Alright, alright you win!"

Completely exhausted, Y/N nodded. She didn't want the game to end even though she was tired, but as long as she captured him, she was satisfied. Finally, she let go of him and sat up. She watched Seokjin hold onto his heaving chest and close his eyes, focusing on breathing. He was drenched in sweat and his face was bright red. Suddenly she was incredibly worried.


"Yes?" His response was short enough to fit in between his panting. His voice was still gentle as ever.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

It took him a second to process her question, but once he heard the worry in her voice, he managed to collect himself. He fluttered his eyes open to see Y/N leaning closely above his face. Her hair hung loose and brushed against his skin along with the gentle breeze. She batted her eyelashes as her eyes glimmered innocently against the sunset sky. Seokjin could barely believe it. She's so beautiful.

The corners of his lips curled into a soft smile, reassuring Y/N and wiping away every last trace of worry. She blinked and tilted her head, confused by his silent stare, but his quiet happiness had already latched itself onto her, her lips slowly forming a smile of its own. Watching the smile grow on her face made his even stronger. Flustered, he let out a quiet airy chuckle. A hot flush rose to Y/N's cheeks as Seokjin pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm perfectly fine, don't worry." He cooed, looking directly into her innocent eyes.

Y/N's heart fluttered as he looked at her with caring eyes. No one had ever looked at her that way before. His smile subconsciously promised safety, something she had always wanted to feel. She felt protected and special. His fingers let go of the newly-placed hair and slowly ran the back of his hand along her flustered cheeks. Her heart fluttered at the feeling of being touched so softly. He placed the palm of his hand against the side of her face, gently rubbing her warm skin with his thumb. Her shoulders fell as she unconsciously leaned her cheek into his hand, eyes fluttering closed. He let out a low, hummed giggle, enjoying the sight of her melting under his touch.

Seokjin didn't want to admit it, but he was already undeniably attached to her.

She wasn't like anyone he had ever met before.  Considering how stiff and self-absorbed most people were at her age, he was relieved.  She was a breath of fresh air. There was no doubt in his mind that if she wanted him, he wouldn't let go of her for a second.

Suddenly he snapped out of his daydream and blinked hard at himself. He realized how forward he was being and gently lowered his hand. He wanted to be careful not to go too far, especially since she had told him that he was her first ever date.  But for some reason, it felt natural to touch her- as if he had known her for much longer.  She watched him as he pulled himself up to sit on the ground beside her. He never stopped smiling as his eyes drifted away, towards the scenery.

"It's getting dark already, look." He pointed up towards the gradient, warm-colored sky, decorated by various peachy-pink clouds. He laughed as his eyes followed a bird that was flying by. "We've been playing all day, I didn't even realize how late it was!"

Y/N looked up and smiled at the sunset. But it quickly faded after realizing what this actually meant. All happy feelings had transformed into fear as her eyes drifted back down to the grass. Seokjin saw her face drop and immediately grew worried.

"What's wrong?"

She stayed quiet as she internally panicked. What are my parent's going to do when I come home? There's no excuse I can make after being gone THIS long.

Seokjin tilted his head to force himself into her line of vision. After catching a clearer glimpse of her face, he saw how her eyebrows had wrinkled and how her lip quivered. Was it the sunset? Maybe she's scared of the dark. He tried figuring it out, but of course, he didn't know what thoughts were running through her head, but he was certain they weren't good ones.

"If you need to go home, I can drive you there. Would you like that?"

Y/N looked down and started messing with the hem of her shirt nervously. She stayed silent and tried to think of what her parents would do if they caught her leaving someone's car. They surely wouldn't be gentle on her if they saw that.

"I mean, It's getting dark out," Seokjin interrupted. "We're far from town and it would be a long walk on foot. I wouldn't forgive myself if I let you walk all the way home in the dark by yourself. I won't make you, but I want to know you're safe."

He had a point. Still, she wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but what other choice did she have? They were incredibly far from home, it would probably take hours to find her way through the dark. Not to mention how scary it would be.

"I guess you're right. It could be a little dangerous." She nodded in agreement, thankful for being given a reason to take his offer. He smiled and stood up, reaching a hand out for her support.

"We're a little far from work so if you live around there it might take a while." Y/N grabbed onto his hand and he pulled her up with ease. "But I think I have some snacks in my bag, so at least we won't get hungry."

Seokjin looked down at her and smiled as he let go of her hand. She wondered what it would feel like to have her small fingers folded between his much larger ones. She looked down at their empty hands and then back up to him, waiting to see if it was okay. Her eyes sparkled up at him and she smiled shyly. He got the message and raised his eyebrows, his heart melting at how sweet she was.

"You want to hold hands?"

Her face shot down at her feet, completely embarrassed. She didn't expect him to say it out loud. He stretched his head to the side and laughed softly. Slowly, he folded his fingers between hers and began pulling her along towards his car. She followed behind as her heart fluttered at the satisfying feeling.

She felt so completely safe. Even if it was just for this moment.

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