Ch. 18 ✿ Up We Go

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Seokjin's mouth dropped within seconds of walking in the door. With just a single step inside, it was easy to see that her family was remarkably wealthy. He walked slowly, looking around as his reflection shown against the perfectly pure marble, shining underneath the smooth clink of his shoes. The flawlessly white walls were decorated with huge, gold-framed paintings, all surrounding the grand staircase in the center of the room. The rest of the area, however, was completely empty. It almost seemed more like a ballroom than anything.

He craned his neck to see through one of the archways along the left side of the wall, which he soon realized must be the living area. There were towering bookshelves filled with a collection of law books and religious text. In the center of the room was a modern couch set complete with a red chaise lounge and a huge flat-screen television.

Y/N skipped ahead as Seokjin's eyes focused back on her. He blinked as if to wake himself up. He could barely believe she could be so used to living in a place like this. You'd assume Y/N was a princess with the modern-day castle she lived in. He suddenly felt self-conscious about her seeing his small apartment earlier today.

"Welcome home, Miss L/N."

Seokjin jumped to the side at the sudden, unexpected sound of a man's voice who was just inches away from him, bowing a full 90-degree angle. Seokjin backed his neck a bit, not expecting such formal respect. When the man lifted his face, Seokjin could see that this definitely wasn't her father. He was far too young. He was probably not too much older than she was.

"Hiiii, Namjoon~"

Y/N hopped back over and gave him a small hug. He didn't put his hands on her but he smiled calmly. Seokjin smiled, happy to see that this person was someone she trusted enough to hug. Seokjin assumed he must be some kind of butler with the formality he was keeping. His focus fell to Seokjin in surprise, asking for an explanation once Y/N let go of him.

"Have you brought a friend today?"

"Mhmm," Y/N nodded pointing at Seokjin before clinging to his arm. "This is Jinnie! Don't tell anyone he's here, please. He's only gonna be here for a tiny bit! I just wanna show him my room."

"Ah, I see. I'll keep his name out of the guestbook." He seemed hesitant but bowed to Seokjin. Not quite as low as he bowed for Y/N, but still with an unnecessary amount of respect. "My name is Kim Namjoon. I am the L/N family's butler. I'll keep this meeting confidential."

Seokjin cleared his throat and bowed back as much as he could now that Y/N was clinging to his side. He was visibly nervous.

"I'm Seokjin, it's nice to meet you."

"Don't be scared of him, Jinnie! Namjoon is my friend, he just talks weird." Y/N giggled as Namjoon pursed his lips visibly forcing back a laugh.

"I'm glad you consider me a friend, miss." He smiled and looked down.

"No one is gonna be home for a long time right?"

"Not for another two hours, miss. But I would suggest not keeping him for long since your trying to go unseen. Master L/N is released from work early somedays."

"Okay, good!" Y/N hopped between her two feet a couple of times, getting out the excess energy. "Jinnie, I have cool things I can show you!"

She began skipping back towards the staircase. Seokjin smiled at the butler and was just about to turn to follow her when the man gripped onto his shoulder.

"Excuse me for saying something like this." The butler had suddenly dropped his polished speech, catching Seokjins attention and making him seem much more real than before. "It's part of my job to not interfere with any personal lives of the family. But I-"  Namjoon cleared his throat.  "I can already see how attached she is to you. And I know she's letting you into her bedroom. Just don't do anything... extreme with her. Please. Not when she's like this."

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