Ch. 23 ✿ Welcome Home

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"Welcome home," Namjoon sang as he motioned to the small house behind him.

Y/N gasped with her whole body, her posture inflating as her eyes widened to circles. Seokjin blinked a few times as if to wake himself up.

After finally escaping Y/N's corrupt family, she and Seokjin had left everything behind to start a new life. With Namjoon's help, they were given a home that they knew they would be safe in. Though they trusted Namjoon's offer to be genuine, they never expected something so beautiful. After hours of driving across the country, they finally arrived right as the sun had risen again. This marked the day that they would start their new life, free from the threats of her father.

Beautiful, green and slightly-overgrown grass blew in against wind, dancing with the scattered wildflowers that naturally weaved their way through the yard. A small house was placed perfectly in the center of the land, waiting impatiently for its new family to claim it as its own.

"It's not exactly the mansion you're used to, Y/N, but--"

"I'M RUNNING!" Y/N suddenly announced as she darted across the land, her slippers flying behind her as she ran in circles, her arms stretched open.

Seokjin and Namjoon laughed lovingly, glad to see the little baby so happy.

"That means she likes it right?" Namjoon asked with a goofy grin on his face.

"Hmm," Seokjin pretended to think it through, but simply ended up laughing as she threw herself back to roll around in the grass. "Yeah, I would say so."

He looked at the small home, positioned in the center of the property. The exterior was worn, but in a way that gave it personality. It was the kind of home filled with history. A small awning stood above the entrance where dirt-filled pots were scattered around the shaded front door.  Rice paper walls stood behind a flat, wooden porch. Its surface was covered in, what he could assume, was last year's autumn leaves. It needed a few repairs, yes. But the home itself looked like something out of a Ghibli movie. Keeping its charm would be a fun project. He could see how much fun it was going to be for him and Y/N to clean it up and make it theirs.

Seokjin watched Y/N as she explored through the overgrown grass, peeking around the corners of the building. She was having a lot of fun. That made both Seokjin and Namjoon happy.

"It's a really old home. It belonged to my grandparents before they passed away."  Namjoon smiled and looked around the property as he was filled with nostalgia.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh no, don't worry about that,"  he waved his hands reassuringly, flattered by Seokjin's concern. "It was a long time ago so it doesn't bother me that much anymore." They exchanged an understanding nod as Namjoon began touching one of the leaves on the untrimmed bush beside him. "What does bother me is that my brother didn't take care of it like he was supposed to. He was supposed to keep everything trimmed and clean after I moved. The inside probably needs a lot of repairs..."

"That's fine, I love this kind of stuff!"  Seokjin smiled enthusiastically, already thinking of all the fun projects he and Y/N would start to make the home theirs. "I've always wanted to fix up a home like this. Honestly, I don't think it'll need more than what's necessary since it's so beautiful. Even if it needs work, I think Y/N would have fun doing projects with me."

"You're right. She'd definitely love that,"  he laughed, looking back over at the girl. She was squatting in front of a small algae-filled pond, looking through the water for something. Namjoon looked back at Seokjin, who was watching Y/N lovingly, blinking softly. "You really do love her, don't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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