Ch. 15 ✿ Four

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Y/N gasped and held her hands to her chest. This was her paradise. The first thing she saw upon running into the ice cream shop was an impressively long line of huge tubs filled with a delicious array of ice cream flavors lying behind a clear glass case. She ran up immediately, paying no attention to the other customers in line to attach herself to the counter.

Her fingers pressed against the glass and a circle of fog formed around her open-mouthed smile. Several of the customers looked incredibly annoyed after she had busted through all of them, probably assuming her intention was to cut in front of the line. Seokjin ran in after her, bowing and apologizing to the customers for Y/N who had nearly knocked every single one of them over. He gently grabbed Y/N by the waist, trying to guide her away from the ice cream so they could get in line, but he failed.

"Baby, come on we have to wait our turn in line."

Y/N didn't respond because she wasn't listening.

There were way more important things on her mind, because aside from the dozens of flavors, there were SO many toppings to choose from. Y/N was practically drooling as she imagined the deliciously genius combinations she could make from them. She gasped as her smart little mind made a discovery!

"Jinnie look!!!! If I get vanilla and then put toppings, I can make a brand new ice cream flavor!"

Seokjin blinked at the toppings she was pointing at and then back at her. Her eyes sparkled, waiting for him to be impressed. He shook his head and chuckled. It was so hard to get mad at her when everything she did was so cute.

"You're so smart! I never thought of th--"

"Back of the line, lovebirds!" one of the customers hollered from the back of the line, sarcasm dripping from his words.

Y/N turned to him and wrinkled her face into the scariest, angriest face she could manage. Her attempt to scare him only made the customer cock an eyebrow, confused and annoyed.

"Come on, baby. You can tell me all the toppings you want while we stand in line."

"Noooooooooo! I wanna look mooooore!" Y/N stomped her feet and tugged on the hem of Seokjin's shirt, begging him to let her skip in line- which he obviously couldn't do.

"I don't want to make anyone angry, princess. Let's just wait our turn. It won't be too long."

"Nooooooo pretty please lemme stay!! I don't wanna g-- AHH!!"

"Up we go!"

In one swift movement, Seokjin spun Y/N around to face him, grabbed her waist and lifted her up into his arms. She naturally wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, clinging onto him like a little monkey. All eyes followed Seokjin's actions as he carried the giggling girl to the back of the line.

"Jinnie is holding meeeee~" She hugged him tightly around his neck as she sang and giggled into the crook of his neck.

Seokjin bent forwards a little to let her feet touch the ground, but she only held on tighter, sticking to him like glue. He grunted. Bending over like this was straining his back. "Okay, okay," he grunted, "Come on, let's get down now."

After enjoying herself, Y/N unlatched herself from his body as slow as possible, really really not wanting to get down. She put her feet back onto the ground, taking an extra second to let go of his neck. Finally, Seokjin stretched back and exhaled. It wasn't too hard to carry her, he was pretty strong. But that position would be hard for anyone to keep up with a full human clinging onto your chest.

Y/N held onto his hand and stood beside him, rocking back and forth on her feet as they waited in the boring line. A few minutes passed and there were only two people in front of them. Both of which took a dreadfully long time deciding on flavors, but they weren't frustrated since they knew they would do the same. She had been pleasantly quiet this whole time, clinging to Seokjin's hand and leaning against his arm every once in a while. But the calm and gentle time Seokjin had been enjoying ended suddenly when a song Y/N recognized started playing on the jukebox in the corner of the restaurant. Her posture shot up straight, whipping her head up to look at him.


While facing Seokjin directly, she suddenly screeched in excitement, making him jump back from her in shock, looking at her with a furrowed brow and worried eyes.

"JINNIE!!!" She screamed again, impatient for a response, now hopping back and forth on her feet.



"Why are you screaming? Shhh--"

"Dance time, Jinnie."

With the very serious declaration of the time, Y/N went ahead and put her hands out in front of her and shook her little butt again, just like she did while 'ice cream dancing' outside. Seokjin put a hand in front of his mouth trying to keep himself from laughing, but he did anyway. Her train of thought made her so unpredictable. Seokjin agreed with his thoughts that instead of watching tv, it'd be more entertaining to just sit down and watch her all day.

"I'll take the next in line, please!"

The woman working at the counter called out, letting them know it was their turn. Y/N gasped, immediately dropping her dance routine. She looked up at Jinnie, grabbing both his hands and began to jump up and down. She yanked his body forward, pulling him by the hands until she let go to slap her hands on the glass again.

"What can I get for you today?"

"Uh, can we have an extra minute to decide?" Seokjin asked apologetically.

"Yes, of course! Take your time."

"That's great, thank you." Seokjin nodded as the cashier smiled brightly and stepped back.

They were lucky no one else was in line behind them, because Seokjin could already tell his little girl was going to want to spend all the precious time she could on picking the perfect flavor combination.

"Mmmm, the chocolate fudge one looks really good. I might pick that one..." Seokjin stood behind her, gently touching her hands as they looked at all the flavors together. "What do you think you'll get, Y/N?"

"There's a lot of kinds."

"Haha, yeah there are. I'm actually really impressed, it all looks really good too."

Y/N nodded as her eyes drifted down the length of the ice cream case, her focus landing on a child who was sitting with his mother at a table. She immediately noticed the towering pile of ice cream balancing on his ice cream cone. Her eyes sparkled as she counted the scoops. She quickly spun around and attached herself to Seokjin's chest, clinging onto his shirt with her little fists. He looked down at her as she wiggled against his body, the excitement too strong to keep still. Seokjin laughed, her wiggling tickled him a bit. He put his hands on her sides, making her stay still.

"What is it?" He chuckled between his words. He didn't know what she was so excited about, but seeing her like this made him happy. "What are you so bouncy for?"

"Jinnie I can I have extra ice creams?" Y/N whispered excitedly.


"Yes." Y/N nodded matter-of-factly. Her little fingers trickled to the sides of his shirt to hug him as she stretched her neck to look at him in the eyes.

"Well... Okay, but how extra are we talking?"

"Can I have four scoops?"


"Mhmm cause I'm four!  Best ice cream number!"

She nodded enthusiastically, using her very reasonable explination to convince him.  He blinked at her, trying not to budge as she stared at him, her eyes practically bulging out of her face as she desperately waited for him to say yes.

"Pretty pleeeease!"

Seokjin sighed, internally melting. Y/N folded her fingers together, pleading as she puffed her bottom lip and nuzzled the side of her head against his shirt. Still stretching her neck back to look at him, she tried to convince him with her round puppy eyes. He chuckled, running a hand through her hair. He couldn't help but give in.

"Of course you can, darling."


Y/N clapped and jumped back to the glass.  Hopping back and forth on her feet and doing her ice cream dance, she watched Seokjin as he ordered his chocolate fudge cup- and most importantly, her giant tower of ice creams.

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