Ch. 10 ✿ Sneaky Doctor

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After hopping off the community bus, Y/N adjusted her purse on her shoulder and began walking towards the large building to begin her workday. After a long phone call with Seokjin the night before, she was filled with energy. She was also thankful her workday only started at noon today, meaning she was able to sleep in enough to get the rest she wanted. Although she was in a good mood, she still wasn't too excited to stock shelves all day. She wandered her way across the parking lot absentmindedly, when suddenly she heard her name being called.


The girl whipped her body around to see Seokjin running up from behind, waving his hand in the air. Her body puffed up with pure, innocent joy. A rush of childish excitement filled her entire body as she started to run to her boyfriend, giggling.

They crashed together in a tight hug as he lifted her off the ground. Y/N buried her face in his chest, muffling her laughter as he spun her around. He laughed with her as he set her back down to her feet. The little girl's eyes sparkled in the sunlight, looking up at him in curiosity. Seokjin pushed a hair behind her ear, smiling uncontrollably wide.

"What are you doing here, princess?" Y/N tilted her head at him, confused.

"I have to, it's a working day," Y/N pouted. Seokjin tilted his head, just like she did and put his hands on his hips.

"No no, it's definitely not a work day! You're too sick to work today!" Seokjin tried his best to hold a straight face as he watched little Y/N grow more and more confused.

"What? I'm not sick at all!" Seokjin wrapped his arm around her shoulder and turned her around, playing up his act.

"Oh yes, you are! Your boss got a call this morning." Suddenly Seokjin shot her a cute wink.

"A call?" Seokjin nodded and smirked, holding his hand up to his ear in a telephone-shape.

"Yes, Mr.Boss, I am calling in for Y/N," His voice lowered an octave, suddenly talking like an old businessman. "Yes, this is her doctor. She is very sick today and cannot come to the phone, but needed me to tell you she is unable to come to work today and simply must stay home!"

Y/N gasped, holding her hands to her mouth and jumped back.

"Jinnie! You lied!!!" Seokjin dropped his head and laughed at how shocked she was.

"Don't follow Jinnie's footsteps, now. It's only this once!" Y/N nodded as they approached Seokjin's car. After unlocking and opening his car door, he quickly shoved something behind his back and cleared his throat. Y/N stretched her body, to try and see what was behind him, but Seokjin simply shook his head. "Now now, Miss Y/N. As your doctor, I have prepared your first treatment."

Suddenly, he pulled a freshly-washed toy from behind his back.


Immediately snatching the stuffed animal in her arms, Y/N rocked back and forth tightly squeezing it against her chest. Seokjin tilted his head and sighed, proud to have been the reason for such pure happiness.

Y/N squeezed her eyes and smooshed her face into the belly of her toy, taking a big whiff.

"She smells so good now."

Seokjin watched her aggressively inhale the toy's scent and let out a loud string of laughter, falling back against the car. Y/N paid no attention to him since she was far too busy hyperventilating against Strawberry's fur.

"I would sure hope so after taking that big of a whiff!" He wiped away his laughter tears and took a big sigh, steadying his breath. "Now hop in, you'll get dizzy if you keep that up any longer."

The little girl finally opened her eyes and watched him walk around, opening the passenger door for her.

"But If I don't go to work..." Worry washed over Y/N, afraid of what might happen if she came home late again. She followed him over to the open door, slowly crawling into the seat with foggy eyes.

"Don't worry, baby." Seokjin interrupted her thoughts with the gentle coo of his voice. As he strapped her in, she watched him reach over her until the seatbelt was secured with a click. "I'll get you home the same time your shift ends. They'll never suspect a thing. You're safe with me. I won't let him lay a hand on you again. Not if I can help it."

Y/N looked back up to Seokjin, who was staring with a stiff expression, unintentionally giving her a glimpse into his thoughts. He was serious. Y/N trusted him, nodding and accepting the truth of his words. The gentle smile returned and Seokjin stroked her head once before closing the door for her. She watched as he walked around the car, hopped into the driver's seat and started the car.

"Let's go have fun."

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