Ch. 14 ✿ Ice Cream Dancing

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After struggling to force her into the passenger seat, Seokjin had managed to strap Y/N in the car to bring her home.  The girl's arms were crossed at her chest as she slumped down in her seat.  Sighing every other minute, she gave him a relentless glare, making sure that he was very aware of her frustration- and he definitely was.

The heavy silence was pretty hard to miss.  She'd been doing that since the second he clicked her seatbelt on.  Seokjin tried to ignore it, hoping that she would slip soon, but she was consistent.  He turned his head towards her for a moment, making eye contact with her death stare, before turning back to the road, trying not to smile.

"You've been staring at me like that for the past 15 minutes,"  he laughed quietly.  "Are you going to tell me what's wrong yet or are you going to keep up the silent treatment?"

Y/N didn't budge, only pouting her lips more at him. He was pretty sure this was about making her go home, but she didn't need to be mad at him about that.  Surely she didn't want to get caught sneaking out instead of going to work.

"Darling, you know you have to go home.  I worked hard to let you skip work today so you could come home with me.  We had so much fun together today, so please don't be mad."

Seokjin sighed, a bit frustrated.  She really wasn't going to say anything to him, was she?  The fit was cute at first, but he was starting to get impatient.  He wanted to end the day on a good note, but she wouldn't say a word and they were already halfway to her house.  He had even planned to stop to get her ice cream before dropping her off, but since she wouldn't say anything, he didn't see any point.  Part of him believed that she was just doing this for attention.  She probably didn't even remember why she was mad in the first place.

After stopping at a light, he looked over at her again, more focused this time.  He had already taken note before that she seemed to be little most of the time.  But he wanted to see if he could tell if she was in little space at that very moment.  He wanted to be able to read her like that.  Having never seen little Y/N get angry, it was a bit hard to tell if she was, but something in her eyes told him that she was big.  For now.

With everything he'd read about being a caregiver, he knew he needed to take action when she acted like this.  He was the one to guide her and teach her right from wrong.  It just took a bit of extra bravery to take a stand like that.  The frustration inside his chest helped give him a little more adrenaline to address the issue with her.  Staring at the still-red light, Seokjin cleared his throat.  He knew what to do.

"Princess, if you want to be rewarded you have to behave."

Suddenly his tone was stronger and more confident.  The unexpected deepening of his voice made Y/N shift a bit.  He was serious.

"Be a good girl for Daddy."


Y/N's eyes widened, her glare finally being broken.  She swallowed and uncrossed her arms, sitting back up slowly.  Her heart thudded in her chest.  Something about Jinnie calling himself Daddy in third person was both intimidating and satisfying.  He definitely did his research.  Her face flushed red as she looked down to watch herself crossing her own ankles, looking for a distraction.  Out of the corner of his eye, he watched his impact unfold.  A corner of his lip curled up, smirking in satisfaction.  That name was more powerful than the bravery it took to claim it.

"I had a special reward planned for you, but only good little girls get rewards.  You're Daddy's good little girl, aren't you?"  Seokjin pushed her further, trying desperately to crack some words out of her.  Hesitantly, Y/N sucked on her lips and nodded.

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