Chapter 13

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I hurried back down the wooden stairs, the silence from behind me following me down with every dull thud of my footfall. I opened the heavy door, and dashed out, slamming it as hard as I could behind me. I didn't even know why I was upset. I was dating Jacob, which was what I wanted. Wasn't it? Charlie was just the guy who decided to try and ruin a good thing for some reason. I don't even know why I followed him in the first place.
Lexi! I had completely ditched her! I ran as fast as I could without getting caught, darting through the thinning crowds in the halls to my second floor room. I burst in, expecting to find Lexi, but instead found the room completely empty. Why wasn't she here? I needed to apologise, and she wasn't even- no. I realised how selfish I sounded. Lexi probably went to hang out with Jayson and Adam after I ditched her. I felt awful, leaving my first friend for some stranger. Lexi must be so upset. I sat down on my bed, going over in my head how best to apologise.
I was still thinking about what to say to Lexi when she walked in, pulling the door open and saying,
"Come in if you like, but she's not here."
I fell off the bed in shock, quickly rolling under to hide myself.
"Thanks Lexi. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something," said a voice that I would recognise anywhere. But why on earth was Jacob in our room, talking to Lexi?
"Sure thing Jacob, what's up?"
"Oh, right," Lexi said. I could tell by her tone that she was still annoyed at me. I don't think Jacob noticed, though.
"Do you think she actually likes me?" Jacob asked, "or is there anyone else she might be interested in?"
"Honestly? I think she really likes you Jacob. She was being weird today though. She was really happy at lunch, then as soon as we left and ran into Charlie she got all weird and went off."
"Charlie? You mean Mrs Marsh's son?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah, him. They seemed to kinda know each other, though. Then Kerri ditched me and went off with him to God knows where!" Lexi exclaimed, sitting down heavily on her bed.
"What?" Jacob asked, his voice now stony. I saw his shadow appear on the floor, and I think if I reached out I could have grabbed his ankle.
"Why would she go off with him? I thought you said she liked me and not anyone else!"
"She does! I really don't think it was at all romantic. She actually seemed pretty pissed off at him to be honest. He kinda walked off and she followed, probably to track him down," Lexi said. She was...covering for me? Even after I had been a horrid friend to her, she was still protecting me. I knew then that I could trust her with anything, and I needed to tell her about what had happened with Charlie.
"Oh," Jacob said. I was pretty sure he didn't believe her, but then again he could just be feeling stupid for getting mad.
"Look Jacob, I think you should just talk to her later. Sort it all out with her, because I really don't know enough about it to explain to you," Lexi said wearily.
"Okay. Thanks for all the help," Jacob said shortly, and soon after I heard the door shut. Lexi sighed, but didn't move. I lay there for another few minutes until I decided I needed to apologise and tell Lexi all of what happened today. I slid myself out from under my bed, popping up next to her.
"My God! You scared me Kerri!"
"Sorry," I said.
"Wait, how long have you been under there?" Lexi asked me, looking uncomfortable.
"Too long. Can we talk?"
Lexi sighed again, then fell onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. She turned her head to me, then replied,
"Sure Kerri."

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