Chapter 23

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I was lost. I knew I had hurt Jacob, perhaps beyond repair, and I regtretted it as much as a person can regret a terrible mistake they made. My head was aching, and my heart was hurting, but the pain wasn't over yet. I still had to go and see Charlie and set the record straight.

I had no idea if he even had a room (I suspected he did, but rarely used it since the attic did look well lived in for a room of it's sort), so I just decided to find him after lunch. Between all the betrayl and heartbreak, it would be far too easy to forget about school, but I wasn't that sort of girl. Sure, I was fine to go about and cheat on my boyfriend and the first person I had ever really cared for in such a way, but forgetting about school? That would be a real crime, wouldn't it? I had ten minutes until my first lesson; Drama. It was my first one of the year, since so far I had only had my other three subjects, the compulsary life skills lessons, and free periods. I had been looking forward to it, since Lexi had told me previously that my teacher, Mr Barnes, was really funny and kind of mental. Now, all I could think about was how awul the lesson would be, since Jayson was taking Drama too. And as if it wasn't enough that i had cheated on one of his best friends, I was also the reason he was now in a fight with the girl he was so obviously in love with. It was official; I was an awful person.

I hurried to my room, and hid nearby until I saw Lexi leave. This left me with only minutes to grab all my books and get to the Drama studio on the fourth floor. Of course, I was the last to arrive, and ended up sitting next to a girl I had seen in Biology on my first day but whose name I had no idea about. Turned out it was Jan. Mr Barnes turned out to be just as good as Lexi had said. The lesson turned out to be just as awful as I had predicted, with Jayson sending me icy glares every opportunity he got. It got so bad that I had to ask to be excused so that I could run to the loo before I started crying, where I reminded myself that I was the horrible, heartless, and evil girl who had broken a poor boy's heart, and under no circumstances should I be allowing myself to cry, because that was a luxury I no longer deserved after my terrible behaviour.

The cherry on the cake was the surprise from Mr Barnes, who announced (upon my return) that next lesson, which so happened to be tomorrow, we would be joining forces with the Physcology class to create some scenes about mental disorders and how they can affect people. Three guesses who takes Physcology? One: Lexi. Two: Jacob. Three: Charlie.

Now this ought to be fun.

I comforted myself with the thought that if things got ugly and books started flying, I could take cover behind Jan's giant hair (a perm which was simple, a BIG mistake). But when the lesson drew to a close, I just sucked it up, and told myself with utter conviction that I would talk to Charlie later, and I would find a way to make it up to Lexi. And hopefully, one day, I could do enough to be even a little bit worthy of Jacob again. First, though, I had to rehearse.

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