Chapter 26

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Jacob's P.O.V

I filed into one of the rows of seats in the Drama studio behind some people I knew vaguely from a class I took with them last year when I still took ICT or DT or some other abbreviated subject. I didn't feel much in the mood to be watching auditions, but I knew I had to be here for my friends. Jayson and Clark and Adam. Even though Adam was standing up for Kerri, and the last I saw of either of them was a hug war or something. I think they did that a lot though.

I was sitting in the back half of the studio, along with about 40 other people. Then there were about 20 seats in a less raised bit in front, and then the teachers desk, set two rows back with a desk light and everything. It was here that the judges were seated, ready to assess the talent. I had to wait another few minutes while they filled up the studio, and then, when no one else could fit in, they shut the doors and called out the first person. They started with the more minor parts, going through lots of sisters, mothers, fathers and daughters of old ladies. I sort of zoned out until I realised Clark was on stage and auditioning for Mr. Wickham. He did his monologue without fault, and I could see in his eyes passion and truth and whatever drama sounding words that basically mean he was good. And then it was Jayson, for Mr. Bingley. He stuttered a bit in the middle, and on some of the longer words, but he was still easily the best candidate for the part. Then Lexi walked onto the stage, trying not to look at Jayson after their falling out over Kerri. I guess that meant I should be mad at her, but I couldn't right now since she looked so nervous up there under a 100 watt spotlight. I caught her eye, sending her a smile and a thumbs up. She returned a hesitant smile, but then seemed to puff herself up, and began to speak her words like she had known them forever. I knew she wasn't a Drama student, but she was pretty d/amn good. I was sure she would get Jane, although I knew she would still be nervous to see if she even got a callback. When Lexi was finished, I almost considered leaving so that I wouldn't have to see her, but then she walked onto the stage and I couldn't bear to look away. I knew inside she would be scared, nervous, and dreading having to walk out knowing I was watching, but seeing her do it anyway made me realise think. She was just as amazing as I had thought since I had first met her, maybe even more. Then she began. In a clear voice, like it was made for the stage. Her face was just perfect under the lights, and she didn't even look nervous in front of all these people.

"Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?

Ah, poor my lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name

When I, thy three-hours wife, have manged it?

But wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin?

That villan cousin would have killed my husband.

Back, foolish tears, back to your native spring!"

She carried on speaking, her words filling my head. Juliet was forgiving Romeo, even though he had killed her cousin. She loved him too much to give him up, and she knew that her cousin would have killed him if he had not killed her cousin. And then I gave into my guilt. I had broken up with Kerri because she cheated on me, but I had done it to her first. The only difference was that she had the decency to tell me as soon as it happened, wheras I had kept it a secret because I didn't want to lose her. I had been seeing Anna since we started that project, and I had just lost control. She was there, and I knew she liked me, so I took my chance. I knew exactly how Kerri felt because I felt exactly the same way; like I had betrayed the one person who wanted me despite everything. I know Anna wanted me, but only because I was a mystery. She wanted me because everyone else did. Kerri had wanted me because I was me, and she liked that. She liked me. I needed her back, I decided then. I would forgive her, because we were even. Of course, she never needed to know that bit. All she would know was that I had forgiven her and we could be happy again. And she wouldn't see Charlie again, and I would stay away from Anna. I just couldn't let Kerri go. I needed her. So I had to make sure she was always mine. As soon as Kerri was finished, I shot her a dazzling smile. She looked shocked, and so she didn't smile back. I didn't mind, I knew she would eventually. For now, I began to walk out of the studio just as Charlie swaggered onto the stage. He caught my eye, a smug look passing from him, through the crowded room to me. I didn't react, I just turned my head and walked away. I'd deal with him later.

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