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"You what?!" I stared at Jimin, perplexed.

"I said I ran away from home." We both stayed silent.


In that short moment, I felt his fear. His fear of being betrayed. His fear of getting rejected once again. Being heartbroken again.

I took off my vest and put it on the floor.

I gulped.

Jimin hesitated before talking again, this time, his voice was weak and shaking, and I knew he was about to break down in tears.

"Because my dad hits me. He always hits me. He comes home at 10 PM, drunk, and he always lets out his anger on me. I don't know why, but he always does. He always did. Ever since my mom died. He doesn't make food for me. I have asthma and he never cared for me. I have to look in between the couch pillows for money when he's at the restroom. He never gives me food. I'm underweight. I have to take the leftovers in the cafeteria for food. Being bullied doesn't help. Nobody loved me as much as you. Nobody... N-Nobody did..."

Jimin slowly walked towards me and embraced me, his small body slightly shaking under my grip.

I pet his hair.

"Isn't he looking for you? Where do you live?" He suddenly stopped crying and looked up to me, ignoring the fact I could see his nose and mouth.

I couldn't see any part of his eyes, they were covered. His bangs went down to the bottom of his nose.

The eyes were the most important part of the face. They showed emotion, they showed everything about someone. They were the windows of the soul.

"W-What if he is?" We remained silent once again. "I-I mean, he never did care for me," he continued.

"Do you know where he goes at night? Does he go out with friends?" He shaked his head.

"He sells alcohol to minors, I think. He also goes to drink with friends. He's been like this ever since my mom died of pneumonia when I was 9."

I could tell he was still mourning over his mother, I saw the tears on his cheeks. I couldn't stop myself from wiping them off.

"Where do you live?" He gripped my shirt and mumbled something.

"What did you say?" I asked. He closed his eyes.

"B-Busan." He let go of me and picked up my vest. He hanged it on the coat hanger and didn't say anything else.

"Busan?! How did you come here?!" He looked away and walked towards the kitchen.

I followed him nervously.

"Oh, I walked a little, hopped on some trains. I didn't have much money, so I mostly hid under the seats on the back. Nothing much. I almost always do this."

"O-Oh... But where did you find the money to buy the apartment?" He smiled.

I was starting to ask too many questions, and I could tell. But I couldn't stop myself from rambling again.

"My mom's sister offered to pay me a place to stay before she comes from her vacation in France. At first, I denied, but she insisted, and honestly, if it wasn't for her, I would probably be dead."

I was about to ask how he got signed up at school, but he held his finger up to my mouth.

"I came to school because my aunt signed me up. Could we stop talking about this, please? I'm starting to get nervous."

Wait, what? How did he-

Jimin took out an inhaler from his pocket and used it.

"Ah, a-about your friends... You know, the tall guy and the other young one?" I shook my head.

"They're not friends. I mean, they used to be, but now, they aren't. They're idiots." Jimin smiled and walked over to the counter.

"Tea?" I nodded.

He opened the drawers and I noticed it was completely empty, except for a pack of tea and bread.

I remained silent about it.

He opened the fridge, and I panicked when I only saw a box of milk.

Jimin took the box and shook it. I saw the panic in his eyes.

"I-It's empty." He slowly walked to the recycling bin and threw away the box.

"J-Jimin, you literally have no food. How are you surviving?" I saw him smile, despite his face being covered, as always.

"I only eat leftovers at the cafeteria, I told you. I'm already used to eating barely anything."

I decided not to say anything.

"Man, I miss my mom's food. Believe me or not, I haven't eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich since she passed away." All of his statements hurt me, but this one hit me like a truck.

I remembered all the times Namjoon would steal, break stuff and hurt people. I wonder if they have physically hurt him once.

"I'll be right back." Jimin stared at me, then nodded.

I hurried up back to my apartment and went straight for the kitchen. I took out bread, peanut butter, and some strawberry jelly. I knew this was a small action, but it for sure was enough to warm his heart.

I quickly cleaned up the mess I made with my cereal and came back to Jimin's apartment,

with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I slowly entered the apartment and whispered.


Jimin was boiling water for tea. He had hiccups because of his crying. His voice was cute. He was cute.

He turned around, immediately noticing the sandwich I made.

He laughed, laughter soon turning into tears. He ran towards me, hugging me as I've never been hugged before.

I tried to hold in my tears, but I quickly gave up.

And here we were, both crying in each other's arms in Jimin's empty apartment.

I'll never forget that day.

The day before everything ended.

The last day I ever saw Jimin again.

The best day of my life.


the drama starts next episode get your tea ready sissies

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