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I opened the shower curtain, turning on the tub faucet as I stripped.

I dipped my finger inside of the water, wincing and adjusting the temperature before dipping my toes inside.

It was night ready. Night baths were the best, in my opinion.

I closed the faucet after the tub was full, sitting down and sighing in pleasure at the warmth.

I dipped my entire body in the warm water, leaving in my my head to peek. I closed my eyes, sighing every few minutes.

I was alone, Jungkook left to go do errands. Knowing him, he probably won't be back for at least an hour. He liked to slack off, but at the same time...

I worried he would make the same mistake again.

I played around with the water, eventually spotting a small bottle of bath foam furnished by the hotel.

I bit my lip, looking around before opening the bottle and pouring the entire thing in the bath.

I giggled in anticipation as I watched bubbles forming while I shook my hand back and forth inside of the water.

Minutes passed, and the entire bath was filled with bubbles.

I slowly let my body slide in the warm water again, closing my eyes.

I rose my head up to breathe and found myself staring at the wall.

I ran away from the hospital.

Well, mostly, Jungkook dragged me away. I didn't exactly want to leave, but... I felt obligated.

And now I feel guilty. Guilty of leaving Jimin.

I was planning to leave again after this bath, just to apologize thoroughly to him. He probably doesn't even want to talk to me again.

I reached out to grab some more bottles of bath foam, but my hand touched something else...

"A rubber ducky?" I smiled, taking the toy and looking at it. "Cute."

I looked at it in the eyes, and he looked back.

"I feel bad. You think he's mad at me?" I asked, voice high to match the toy's squeaking.

I pressed down on the duck and it squeaked. I laughed. "You're right. He'll still love me, right? He shouldn't feel mad, right? It's not my fault... right?" I hesitated before pressing down on the toy again.

It squeaked.

"Thanks, needed that, bro."

I fist bumped the duck.

"I know you can talk, ducky. I promise I won't tell anyone. Can you speak for me? It'll be our little secret," I said, looking the duck in the eyes.

Nothing came out. "Alright, then. Keep your secrets."

I stood up as the tub cleared up from the water and bubbles, putting my arm out of the curtain to grab a towel. "Damn it~" I groaned, as I didn't feel the towel. "Where is it?!"

"Here you go," a voice said. "Thanks," I responded, taking the towel to dry myself.

I froze. "What the fu-"

I peeked out of the curtain to see a man seeming a little older than me, hair colored silver, peeing. "Who the fuck are you?! I'm calling the cops!" I said, fumbling with my phone who was set on the shelf next to the tub.

The boy casually zipped up his pants, flushing the toilet.

"I-I- I'm calling the cops..!"

He turned around to fully face me, and I put down the phone, hands shaking. I recognized his face.

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