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At school, I didn't see Jimin.

In the morning, I looked for him everywhere.

At his locker, at his class, at the cherry tree.


I passed the day, alone, getting dirty looks from everyone in my class. Apparently, Jungkook and Namjoon went around telling everyone I like boys and only boys.

Even though I trusted them with that information.

It hurt. A lot. But I survived. None of that was strong enough to kill me.

Because I told myself,

Jimin was probably at his apartment, waiting for me.

I smiled.

The bell rang for dinner and I couldn't hold myself anymore. I dropped my stuff and everyone had fun kicking them around and laughing.

We're back to square one.

I felt a tear stroll down my cheek while I picked up my stuff.

Of course, the teachers didn't care.

I decided to go home directly instead of staying in this mess.

Bad idea.

I left school after finding my locker completely destroyed with horrible insults on it with a permanent marker. I didn't know it would get that far, I thought it wouldn't last.

But, boy, was I wrong.

I found my bag ripped open on the side, but I ignored it as well.

They took my umbrella, my coat, and my boots.

I couldn't stop myself from hiding my face in my arms and cry.

Someone came behind me and pulled my hair, followed by 5 other people doing the same thing.

I ignored them.

After I cried my eyes out, I opened up my bag.

They filled it with dirt.

I shook my head and walked outside in the rain.

I empty the bag from the dirt, still crying.

At least they can't see me cry if I'm in the rain.

I put my stuff in my bag, avoiding the rip.

I slowly walked on the side of the street, soaked from head to toes.

I couldn't do anything to help it. I was useless.

The street was empty. I focused on the bus stop on the other side of the sidewalk.

I heard people from the school walk behind me but I ignore them.

Ignoring everything and everyone was normally the way I got away with things.

It didn't work anymore, I guess.

Before I could realize what was happening, someone kicked me behind the knees.

I fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Him and his team of 6 people in total.

I didn't know his name.

I refused to know his name.

He grabbed my shoulder and the more I screamed, the more he tighter his grip.

His friends laughed.

He starts pulling my hair, grabbing handfuls if it and yanking it to the back.


I held back my tears, in fear of being called a crybaby.

"You know you walk like a girl, right? You're such an idiot." He grabbed my shoulder again, this time pulling it backward.

My vision blurred up from tears swelled up in my red eyes and the pain was terrible.

Please, let me go.

Please, I just want to see Jimin.

Please let go of me.

I'm begging you.

He kept laughing and squeezing my shoulder.

I felt a knee hit my forehead.

I couldn't feel the pain, but it was there, somehow.

My adrenaline was too intense.

They kicked me around for a solid five minutes before letting me go. They got bored eventually.

They took my money.

They took my bus money.

I walked home, 25 minutes of pain.

I couldn't feel the back of my knees, it hurt so much.

I kept limping towards my house, soaked, with a ripped bag.

My eyes were red.

I guess everyone could see my tears now.

I got worried looks from people, but I took inspiration from Jimin.

I pulled up my hoodie and hid my face with my uncut bangs.

I arrived home, tired.

I took the stairs. I'm scared of the elevator.

When I arrived at my apartment, I took my keys from a hidden pocket in my uniform jacket.

I would be dead if they took those. Quite literally.

I entered my house, in tears. I made sure to lock the door behind me.

I don't like playing hide and seek with you. Please find me!

"Shut up! STOP! LEAVE MY HEAD! Please!" I ruffled my hair and shook my head again and again.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I really looked like an idiot.

I put on my pajamas.

This is a mess.

I put a coat and a hat on and walked towards Jimin's apartment.

I knocked.

No response.

I knocked again.


I tried to open the door. It was surprisingly open.


Cherry tree.

I punched the wall in anger. Where are these voices coming from?

No sign of Jimin appeared to be inside. I saw a purse on the floor next to the door, but I didn't acknowledge it.

I slowly closed the door and went back to my apartment.

I felt tears sting my eyes.

My last friend is gone.

I can't contact him in any possible way.

Cherry tree.


I thought about everything he had told me.

About his life.

About his family.

I was suddenly scared.

What if Jimin's dad found him back?

Cherry tree.

I shook my head.

I gotta find Jimin.


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