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"Taehyung! You're really pale, snap out of it, come on! I'm scared!"

I blink and notice Jin in front of me, shaking my shoulders.

"I-I'm sorry, what did you say..?"

Jin sighs.

"I asked you for examples, how did you just find out that you heard voices about the future?"

I shake my head.

"I-I'm not sure, it's weird. I don't know if I can say this... But... Jimin ran away to Seoul because his dad was abusing him physically. And I heard something about it before he even told me about it."

Jin looks at me, perplexed.

"W-What did you hear?"

I stare at my own hands.

Without realizing it, tears begin streaming down my face and Jin grabs me in his arms.

"It's okay, you're not weird. They're probably just auditory hallucinations. If you really hear about the future, you're probably a lucky medium. By the way, yeah, my mom was really superstitious, believing about the afterlife and spirits."

I nod.

"I don't know, hyung. I also noticed something, a question that has been bugging me for a really long time. I noticed Jimin always calls me hyung, even though he's around two months older than me."

Jin shrugs.

"I don't know. Are you feeling better? You should get some rest."

I nod.

"I'll go take a quick nap."

Jin smiles and nods.

"Do you want to hop on my back again?"

I laugh. "Yeah, sure, why not?"

Jin crouches down and I hop on his back, just like yesterday.

"Jin-hyung, how do you manage to climb the stairs with me on your back?"

He laughs.

"I don't know. I'm used to it, I guess."

We arrive at his room and he throws me on the bed, making me giggle. He tucks me in the covers.

When he turns around to leave, I grab Jin's shirt.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

I smile.


I feel Jin smile.

"No problem."

I clap and the lights turn off. He laughs.

"Rest well. See you soon."

Jin closes the door.

I feel myself fall deeper and deeper in slumber.

Rest well, hyung. Rest well. I'm right here, in your heart. Rest well before you find me.


I slept for 14 hours.

I just woke up. It's around 3 AM. My head hurts so much. I can feel Jin sitting next to me.

Why isn't he laying down?

He is playing with my hair.


He gasps.

"Oh, you woke up? I didn't see you, it's dark. I was looking over you since around 10 PM. You were shaking in your sleep."

I smile.

"I shake in my sleep when I'm sick. I don't know why, it's just... A weird thing I've been doing."

Jin laughs in response.

We keep talking in the dark until he eventually goes to sleep. I do the same.


I wake up at 7 AM. Jin is sleeping tightly next to me. I decide to go to the kitchen.

After getting down the stairs, I find myself staring at the window.

It's sunny today.

It's also pretty warm.

I keep watching the leaves blow to the spring breeze. I also notice some flowers bloomed around Jin's patio. Spring is written all over the view.

I see a boy standing straight up, staring at the window I'm looking through. He seems tonne very far away. All I can see is his blue hoodie.

I keep staring at him and he doesn't move an inch.

He suddenly starts running towards the window, cutting the street without even looking around for cars. He keeps staring at the window while sprinting.

I fall backwards, terrified.

I tripped over a chair and I'm curled up in a ball on the floor.

Jin seems to hear the mess I made and he comes running down the stairs.

"Are you okay? What did you do?!"

I shake my head.

"A-A squirrel jumped on the window and startled me. S-Sorry," I lie.

Jin nods.

"Hyung, you should go back to sleep. You seem really tired."

He nods and turns around, showing me what I can eat.

I nod.

Last night, Jin made some spaghetti with tomato sauce. I'm starving.

When Jin climbs back up the stairs, I decide to eat an apple for energy.

I go back to the window, still watching the trees and whatnot. The boy is gone.

Was that Jimin? Am I hallucinating? I probably am.

Should I go look for him? Ask people if they saw him?

I take a bite off my apple.

I should do something. About Jimin.

I'm still wearing the pajamas Jin borrowed me. I grab my jorts and my sweatshirt and get in the bathroom to change.

When I finish, I walk out, ready to head out.

I write a quick note for Jin to inform him I will be back in around an hour.

I take my phone from my pocket and try to turn it on.

Crap. The battery is dead.

I put it down on the closest table and open the door, immediately getting hit by the warm breeze of spring.

I keep staring at the outside scenery, both feet inside of Jin's house.

I set one foot out, then the second one.




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