
37 10 3

I fell.

Down the void.

Down the rabbit hole again.

It was 4 AM and I was sitting on my bed, in a cold sweat, struggling to breathe.

I couldn't move, I couldn't say a word.

I wanted to scream, yet, I felt something pressing down my throat and chest, making me gasp for air.

A tear struck my eye, then another. That's all I could do.

I was panicking on the inside, I felt as if I was going to die.

But would dying mean I could see him up there?

I couldn't close my eyes, I couldn't open my mouth. All I could do was silently cry while it sat on my chest.

It's stronger than me.

He's stronger than me.

I could feel him. Why was it him? Why did he do this to me?

I fought back, I couldn't breathe and I saw black every few seconds.

The room was dark but he lit up my heart.

I could feel his warming presence grab my hands and pin them on the bed on each side of me.

I managed to whimper a few words. The only word I remembered being able to say.

"J-Jimin, Jimin, Jimin," I repeated, over and over, tears coming down my face. "H-He- Help,"

The sound of the heart monitor flat-lining filled up my ears while I cried harder, trying to breathe.

The beeping turned into humming and slowly into muffled words.

"Taehyung! Taehyung, look at me. Look at me. It's over. It's over, don't cry."

A figure was sitting on my lap, holding my arms on each side of me while I was on the bed.

"It's just a dream, Taehyung, it's just a dream."

I saw him.

I saw Jimin. He was there, all well, all better, sitting on my lap.

"J-Jimin..? Ji-Jimin," I repeated his name over and over again, my eyes getting used to the small light turned on next to me.

I couldn't see his face clearly because of the tears stuck in my eyes.

"Taehyung, it's Jungkook. It's just me. Stop panicking. It's only me, don't cry, I know you're scared,"

I could finally breathe. I gasped for air and coughed, closing my eyes to get rid of the tears blocking my view. My wrists were still pinned above my head. Jungkook let go of them and grabbed my chin.

I closed my eyes and let out a few silent sobs.

Jungkook got down from me and easily lifted me up while he sat on the bed. He set me on his lap. "Tell me about it. What happened in your nightmare?"

I was still trying to recover from my thirty seconds who felt like hours without air.

"T-The same one," I muttered, voice shaking and hand gripping Jungkook's thumb.

Jungkook only nodded in response. He put his face on my shoulder, sniffing my neck and making me giggle.

"Shouldn't you sleep, Jungkook? It's early~"

Jungkook shook his head.

"I'm not tired."

Jungkook circled me with his arms. I grabbed his hands, helping him trap me.

His grip was so strong.

I thought of the hand I held in my dream. Lifeless, cold.

I closed my eyes to avoid crying.

I wondered if he really died.

Did he?

I should go check, right?


He hummed in response. "W-Would you let me go see Jimin at the hospital..?"

He paused for a second. "You have to promise me you won't fall in love with him again."

I pursed my lips. "Promise."

"Also, promise me something else."

I gulped. "Yes?"

"If something bad happened to Jimin," he started.

I remained silent and grabbed his hands tighter.

"Promise me you won't cry."

I'm sorry for the short chapters lately, I'm busy with school work, I'm so sorry

thank you for reading, by the way! 💘


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