47 11 4

I'm cold.

It's cold.

I stare at my blue fingertips while I sit next to the door, soaked in the rain.

I close my eyes.

Where are you?

Why are you playing hide and seek with me?

It's so cold.

Why are you running away?

You should go to the motel, Taehyung. You seem cold.


I want to stay here.

What if he comes back?

The cold is eating my body.

Who am I?

Where am I?

My vision blurs up and I see myself in my appartement, back in Seoul.

I'm so cold.

I feel my heart beat slower and slower.

I take my phone and look at the temperature.


It's getting colder and colder.

I look at the motel from far away.

My vision blurs up and I faint.

I wake up and faint again.

When I wake up yet again, I'm not shaking anymore.

"Sir? Are you okay?"

I look up and see a young man a few years older than me.

He walks up the stairs and grabs my hand, turning it around and around.

"You're having hypothermia. I have a place for you in my home."

I stop walking.

"A-Are you-u sur-re you-u're not gon-na kidnap-p me..?"

He laughs and opens an umbrella over me.

"No, no, my mother was a doctor. I'm following her steps."

I remain silent.

"Y-Your... N-Nam-me..?"

He looks at me, worried.

"I'm Kim Seokjin. You can just call me Jin. I live right here."

He points to the house right next to Jimin's.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

We enter the house and he takes off his boots and coat.

I stare at my soaked running shoes.

"Oh god, you don't have a coat. I have clothes for you, it's okay. Can you speak?"

I shake my head.

He grabs my arm and leads my in the house.

I feel the heat hit me straight in the heart. I fall to the floor, grasping my chest in pain.

"Are you okay? Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I came in too quickly, I should have been more careful. Wait, I'm going to get some clothing."

He runs towards his room. I hear him rummage through his clothes.

He comes back with a hoodie and sweatpants.

"That's all that seemed warm enough..."

I nod, shaking.

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