[i wrote this garbage when i was 12 years old, please for the love of god don't read this, spare yourself from this monstrosity]
❝I'll always remember you.❞
The beginning of a lifetime's tale all started under a large, weeping cherry tree.
I didn't have a will to live anymore. My entire life consisted of mourning over my lost soul alone, in my horrible depression, for one month straight. Jungkook tried his best to comfort me, but I wasn't human anymore, I could not be consoled.
School finished quickly, finals came and went and I didn't do too bad. My grades were hovering around A and B, despite all the days I skipped.
I didn't know myself anymore. I looked in the mirror everyday, trying to find myself, but when I looked at my reflection, the reflection didn't look back.
I felt lost, abandoned, betrayed. My life wasn't meaningful anymore, I became a working machine that was designed to eat and sleep. I lost interest in activities, spending hours staring at the wall, imagining my life if I hadn't learned about Jimin's cancer.
Jungkook convinced me to go out. We were going to the mall. I haven't left my house in weeks.
The weather was sunny, and the streets were crowded with people wearing summer outfits, having fun.
Jungkook was wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt, where he let a few buttons unbuttoned at the top and bottom, showing a few inches of his chest and stomach. He was also dressed in a white bermuda, showing his strong legs as if it was no bother to me.
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(a/n: kinda what I'm thinking about, just the shirt is unbuttoned from the top too.)
I was simply wearing black jeans and a blue hoodie. I left the house without even looking at the mirror to see myself. I was ashamed of my body, of my appearance. When I looked at my reflection, I saw weakness, I saw a monster.
Jungkook would not hesitate to arrange my hair every few minutes, making people turn to us.
"Here~ Didn't you look at yourself before leaving? Your hair is a mess! It makes you cuter, though," Jungkook teases before pressing his lips against mine.
I blushed and sighed, a faint smile on my face.
Instead of Jungkook, I imagined Jimin holding my hand, leading me places, kissing me, babying me as if I were still a child, taking care of me, loving me.
Loving me as if I was the only one. The last one. The person he loves. The perfect boyfriend.
Yet, I am not any of those. I am not a good person. I am not someone Jimin would love.
Even if I managed to find Jimin, he would reject me anyway.
He's probably dead. I'm probably being an idiot. I don't deserve him. I have never deserved someone as wholesome, as adorable as Jimin.
I sighed.
Jungkook held my hand the entire train ride, not even letting go to hold the pole. Our hands were sweaty, but it felt good, for an unknown reason.