Chapter 4

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*3rd Person POV*
*On a Very Stormy Day...*



Fujiwara sCREECHED like it was the end of the world.

"This is the 4th Stormy day this week...Classes might get suspended again." Shirogane leaned against his Big Ol' Chair.

"That Reminds Me,I haven't seen Y/N yet...Kinda unusual for him to not kick down the door while popping another Soda open." He Tapped his Chin.

"Let's not worry about that for now,We have to worry about how we're gonna get home,I fell sick last time,I would like to avoid another Incident like that..." Shinomiya trailed off at the end while blushing faintly,The same thing could be said for the President.

"K-Kaguya San,Please Cover my Ears...I-I don't want the God of Thunder to steal m-my Belly Button!" Fujiwara Pleaded but a Smaller Pair of Hands covered her ears instead of Kaguya's.

"Nishishi~ I never knew Fujiwara Chan is such a Scaredy Cat when it comes to thunderstorms!" Y/N popped in suddenly.

"W-Woah! Where'd you come from?!" Shirogane stood from his chair in Shock.

"Eh? I was here the whole time! You didn't notice me?" Y/N was leaning on Fujiwara's back using her shoulder as a rest for his chin.

"Obviously Not,If I did I wouldn't be asking this question."

"Ah-hahahaha,Guess that was my fault!"

"Say,How do you plan on Getting Home,Y/N kun?" Shinomiya asked the Liar with slight concern.

"I'm the Supreme Leader of Evil! I Have an Underground tunnel somewhere,I'll probably use that! Or My Members might come and get me!" He replied with a small smirk.

Fujiwara Turned around and took off the small pair of hands that were covering her ears,Then her expression glowed as she saw who was in front of her.

"Ah! Y/N kyu-"


"UAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Fujiwara Screamed again prompting Y/N to quickly shield her from the terrifying sounds of lightning.

"Y-Y/N kyun...P-Protect Please.." She quivered obviously terrified.

Y/N leaned in and whispered.

"Don't Worry! Only the Supreme Leader of Evil can scare Fujiwara Chan! So I'm not gonna let some stupid Boombox scare you."

It was evident that He's just playing around..

Shinomiya took the Liberty of Booking Fujiwara a Taxi since the Thunder kept in coming making Fujiwara unable to book her own.

It was also another Plan to get Kaichou to ask her for a ride.

Because she didn't learn enough from last time.


*Sometime Later*

Shinomiya was in a pinch,Her plans of Blocking all of The President's way out are being neutralized...Why?

Because Y/N has been staring at her with

She had an idea that he knew what she was planning and is keeping an eye on her...for what reason exactly? Maybe he's just having fun watching her fumble around.

"Ne,Shirogane Chan,Trains just started operating...You should go before something happens." Y/N gave a suggestion.

"Ah,That's Good to know,Thanks Y/N."

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