Chapter 18

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*3rd Person POV*

"This place is quite crowded.."

"Well,Duh! It's an amusement park,it's suppose to be crowded! Good thing you have the Supreme Leader as a friend! Now let's go! I have alot of rides I wanna try but it ain't gonna be as good without my beloved Shiro chan!"

Y/N took Kei by the hand and led her to one of the many attractions in the place.

The roller coaster is Y/N's one of many favorites,him and his friends at DICE always rode here whenever they went out,and as always,Y/N sat in the front because he's the Supreme Leader of Evil damn it.

The ride looks intimidating to Kei since it's her first time here and she's kinda afraid to try it,but with the smile on Y/N's face and the weirdly foreign excitement in his voice,how could she say no?

"We won't be waiting long,I have a plan!"

This boi threw a water balloon somewhere,it ended up hitting someone and every attention was already on the drenched one.

Of course the security began search and
Y/N acted quickly and blended in the crowd with Kei who's internally freaking out.

"Nishishi~ don't be so nervous,Shiro chan,we'll get caught if you keep doing that" he giggled clearly having fun.

The two cut the line until they were at the front,Kei made sure to act her best and remove all worry from her face,well her lips were still quivering,but it's better than nothing.

How nobody in the crowd saw these two? Nobody knows...

The seemingly uncaring staff just let em in despite seeing them cutting,apparently this boyo is scared sh*tless whenever Y/N entered,he...has quite the terrifying history with the Leader of Evil,and he knew telling on him isn't such a brilliant move.

And then Yaaaay! Y/N and Kei were at the front!

Kei was already nervous,she looked to Y/N who was smiling brightly before he held the girl's hand.

"Shiro Chan is scared,right? Well...I'll hold your hand until you're okay!"

She just stared at this boy before nodding her head and looking ahead.

Y/N might lie about the majority of his words,but Kei can't help but believe his words...something about it felt so genuine and real,she felt safe.

When the coaster started to move,Kei's grip on the liar's hand tightened,it was a normal reaction,their slow ascend was quite scary for her.

She looked to Y/N who was laughing and looking very happy.

And when they were close to the peak,Y/N looked back at her and gave a confident smile before staring directly to her eyes and saying..

"Oh boy,you ain't gonna hear anything I'm gonna say-"

Then they descended from the Peak,Y/N continued to talk as the wind blew on his hair.

Kei couldn't hear what he was saying,but she was atleast able to barely read his lips.

Words like "Glad" and "Mind" were what she read but that could be wrong too,Y/N soon stopped and looked ahead,enjoying the ride like everyone else. Though his companion was having a hard time to not look at him.

It is not only that she was curious as to what he said,it was also the way his hair blew against the wind and how his smile looked so different,feels so different.

Once they got off,Y/N was still as energetic as ever,he wanted to go for another ride but there were so much more for Kei left to try,so he didn't let his selfishness get the better of him. Not that Kei would know.

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