Chapter 11

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*3rd Person POV*
*3 weeks before Summer vacation*
*With Y/N*


"I'm...really tired...."



" getting out of hand..."

Y/N was alone in the living room,He couldn't sleep because of the dream his having and what comes next after he wakes up from said dream.

It was getting too intense for him,The Eyebags under his eyes seemed to have gotten darker and the eyes itself seemed to have no life in them.

He lied down at their couch expecting different results there,only to find himself paralyzed once again,staring back at the ceiling he SWORE go slowly down as if trying to crush him.

His eyes were wide open,Mouth shut closed,and sweat dropping like bullets,he gripped his blanket tightly and shook under the covers,at this rate he'd be too tired to ask Fujiwara to another fun day together.


He suddenly started to have a panic attack,Y/N sprung out of the covers and covered his face with his hands,He forced himself to calm down as to not alert any of his Members. was another sleepless night...


"Ah,Fujiwara Chan,Ohayo~"

"Ohayo,Y/N kyun~"

The two were walking to the Student Council's Office,along the way Fujiwara seemed to notice Something wrong with

"Ne,Y/N kyun..."


"Are you ok? You look pale..."

"Haaaaaa? Aren't you just,Imagining it?"

"No,You look REALLY pale..."

"You're probably still asleep,Fujiwara Chan! You're falsely accusing me of such a thing!"

"A-Ah really? Sorry!"

"Nevermind that! Let's get going!"

"Y/N watch-!"



Y/N slumped down and held his forehead,it hurt ALOT,he silently cursed under his breath for letting the same thing happen twice,The other time was at the Student Council's office where he too was sleep deprived,though this time it's much worse.

Fujiwara Immediately came to his aid,Asking him if he wanted to go to the clinic to which Y/N replied with.

"Hahahah...I intentionally did that! I meant to scare you,that's all!"

"H-Hang on!" Fujiwara grabbed his hand,Y/N stared at it for a few moments as he was dragged around by her.

Soon they arrived at the clinic,She sat him down the bed as she went to go try and find a first aid kit.

Y/N forced a fake close eyed smile.

"No way you're making a big deal out of this..." He muttered to himself "Back then...nobody would..."

Fujiwara came back soon with alcohol and facial tissues,She began by pouring a handful of alcohol to the tissue and started to lightly dab his bleeding forehead...

Y/N stared at Fujiwara as she did all of this,His tired eyes met with her occupied ones,she genuinely seemed to care about him..

The Liar cracked a small smile..

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