Chapter 25

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[3rd Person POV]


Y/N sighed in his seat as he leaned back against his chair.

The boy is currently in his classroom, and a teacher just left the room, causing the class to do their own thing as it is free-time.

"The Student Council disbands today...that means there's nothing exciting going on..."
Y/N rested his elbows on his chair, and then his chin on his palm, his free-hand limping on the table.

"Fujiwara chan is probably crying too. I should give them some space."
He added, muttering this part.

His eyes wandered about, trying to find something of interest, nobody would really try and talk to him here, he's quite hated in a couple of classes due to his pranks.

Everyone wouldn't approach him even if he was the last person available, well...

... except one.

"Oi! Didn't I tell you to wear the proper uniform numerous times?!"

Y/N could only smile exasperatedly, of course she's gonna have something to nitpick.

"I am, Iino chan."

"No, you're not! The scarf isn't part of the uniform!"
She smacked Y/N's table a couple of times "Not to mention, it's bad to look at!"

"Your face is bad to look at with the uniform, but you don't see me complaining."
Y/N bit back.

An aura of hostility surrounded the 2, as per usual.

The two had been rivals for as long as they'd been classmates, which was in Middle-School.

The moment both Iino and Y/N interacted, the fires of their antagonistic relationship lit, and continued to burn until now.

Kobachi Osaragi, would sometimes be caught in the crossfire, attempting to calm down a raging Iino, and a Y/N who just won't stop causing trouble and triggering all of Iino's OCDs and stuff.

"Don't look so mad, you'll be an old-lady way before you hit the golden age."
Y/N poked Iino's forehead before standing up.

Iino massaged her forehead, feeling a little insecure at what he just said.

"Where are you going?! Just because it's free-time doesn't mean you can get to leave the classroom and do what you want!"
Iino yelled after him, as Y/N made his way to the sliding door.

"Really? As far as I know, I can do whataver I want, Unless..."
Y/N trailed off, staring Iino in the eyes "... you're willing to stop me?"

"You know, I will!"
Replied Iino with determination.

"Well, if you really want to stop me..."
Just as Y/N said this, he immediately slid the door open and ran full speed, knowing that Iino will, 100%, run after him.

And she did.

"Then you have to catch me first!!"


"Miko chan, wait! It's a trick!"
Kobachi Osaragi tried to call out to the uptight girl, but was unheard.

Having no choice, she left the classroom to chase after the two.

Rapid footsteps were heard on the halls as Y/N and Iino dashed through them, attempting to win the little game Y/N had set up.

"Oi! Ain't you breaking the rules by chasing after me?! I'm clearly an exceptional since I break the rules, but you? Pffft- running the halls isn't like you!"
Y/N teased through his panted breaths.

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