Chapter 22

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[3rd Person POV]

Kei Shirogane stood in front of the door of her home, carrying a pouch whilst waiting for someone.

As requested of Y/N, she wore an outfit she wouldn't normally bright blue Yukata that has the pattern of the sea waves.

Her hair is tied into a bun and her usual ribbon is still on top of her bangs.

She also wore a pair of socks and sandals with blue straps.

Kei began to wonder if she has dressed enough to, hopefully, impress the Supreme Leader that she had fallen so hard for.

Since this was a first for her, she doesn't really know what to do, the part where Y/N asked her to dress nice automatically translated for her to dress much more feminine-like, which isn't exactly what Y/N meant.

The white-haired Tsundere checked the time on her phone...

"6:58pm" it wrote, she sighed at this, expecting to wait a 2 or more minutes until her friend would arrive.

That is, until, two hands suddenly covered both of her eyes.

At first, she threatened to scream, but as soon as she heard a giggle, she sighed in relief, knowing full well as to who this is.

"Good afternoon, Y/N kun."

"Aww~ that's hardly any reaction from you."
He gave a jokingly disappointed tone.

How he managed to sneak up behind her? She'll never know, but that doesn't matter now.

Y/N skipped until he was in front of her and she was surprised to see him dressed up.

A dice-patterned Yukata with it's sleeves cut up on the shoulder area, the cut sleeves are acting like loose warmers held by a separate band. The Yukata is also rather short, only getting past his knees.

And as usual, Y/N's H/C hair remained messy.

Y/N took note of how Kei was dressed up, smirking as he eyed her up and down.

Kei put an arm over her chest and stepped back, her usual tsundere blush adorning her face.

"W-What is it...?"
She asked in a softer tone than usual.

"Hm? Well, you look very beautiful, Shiro chan!"
Y/N complimented, flustering the girl.

Kei looked to the side, her face already red.

"I-I didn't need your opinion, i-idiot..."
She muttered to Y/N who chuckled.

That was a lie though, to Kei, that compliment meant the world to her.

"Let's go?"
Y/N grabbed ahold of her free-hand and began to tug her to walk.

Kei nodded, still feeling the embarrassment from earlier, but she managed to compose herself.

Y/N made sure to keep holding her hand as they walked the quiet streets of the night.

"I've been meaning to ask..."


"How are we gonna watch the fireworks when it's already over?"

"Ahh! This place isn't the only one that has fireworks!"

"You mean-"

"At Chiba! The Kizarazu fireworks display goes on until 8:30pm!"

"But why do we need to go so far?"

"Mhmmm, because I think it's much more cool than what we have, and...the journey to get there and back would also be quite fun, don't you think?"
Y/N leaned his upper body forward, mimicking a child's action, this was also accompanied with a grin.

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