Chapter 10

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*3rd Person POV*
*Friday Night*
*With Y/N*

Are you surprise to see Narrator kun here? Normally We'd be giving you Y/N's reactions to going to bed again,but no I think it's time to tell you what's been happening,I won't tell you the whole truth though.

Anyways,The Young boy lay face up on his futon that He and The whole members of DICE Shared,but he was the only one awake.

Y/N had been staring directly at the ceiling for quite some time now as sweat ran down his neck and head.

"W-What the hell...Not Again..."

After receiving invitation from Fujiwara Chika to simply "Hang Out" on a Saturday Morning,DICE decided to help him up his game by Picking out clothes that suit their Leader

Y/N was too excited about this and DICE Noticed several changes in him,like being more active than usual,the lying has lessen and he seems to talk about the fun He has been having whilst in School,While in the past he despises school so much.

But tonight...He decided to try and sleep again,It didn't end too well.

The Liar hated that he had to look up and face the ceiling,but it was the most comfortable sleeping position he knew.

That's when things go wrong...

He swore he saw the ceiling slowly descend upon him,he would need to Blink a few times before things would return to normal,then it'd start again...

Y/N couldn't move,speak or atleast try and distract himself,he was paralyzed and forced to stare at the damned ceiling...all because of a dream.

He could hear a faint Whirring somewhere..

"*Pant* *Pant*"

Seems like it would be another sleepless night for him...

*Saturday 7:30am*
*With Chika Fujiwara*

"Do I look ok in this?"

Fujiwara posed around the mirror,she was wearing a pink normal length skirt(which is slightly above the knees) white t-shirt which are tucked in her skirt,She CONSIDERED wearing a hat,but decided against it.

"I hope Y/N kyun likes what I'm wearing."

She wanted to Impress the Supreme Leader,Fujiwara really wants him to like her.

Her Phone suddenly rang,she picked up to see who it is only to show a number.

"Father always warned me about Strangers and answering random numbers,But what if it's important?"

She thought about it for a sec before deciding to pick it up.


"Ohayo~ Fujiwara Chan~!"

"Y-Y/N kyun?! How'd you get my number?"

"Who knows~?"

"Well atleast you know now..."

"Nishishi~ So,When will you decide to show up?"


"I've been waiting for 30 minutes!!!"

"O-Oh gosh! I'm sorry! I'm on my way!"

"Hmph! Better come here quick!"

"W-Wait,Where did we even plan to meet up?!"

"The Clichèd Train Station,Why?"

"I'm on my way!"

Fujiwara ended the call,said goodbye to her father,which actually has been supportive about her going outside with friends more,just as long as she keeps away from the things he forbids.

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