Chapter 20

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*3rd Person POV*

The crowd was roaring at the show that was being presented, various animals showcased their talent and tricks just to appease them.

Y/N was an exception as he never found any of these interesting and just kept quiet while the show was going on.

Fujiwara was having the time of her life! She always loved animals and would probably adopt more if she could! The Seals are so adorable and they're so amazing at doing their tricks!

The secretary kept cheering for the said animals along with many other people.

Not noticing her companion yawning and threatening to fall asleep at any moment.

Though Y/N was fighting hard to not fall asleep, they only have until after-lunch and he still wants to have fun with the secretary, having secretly missed her because of her trip overseas, and the fact that they were only able to reconcile when it was almost the summer break.

He originally wanted to look at various marine animals this place had available for viewing, but mostly sharks so he could joke around with them, claiming that they're his underwater stead in the aquatic world.

But Fujiwara suggestes this show, and Y/N didn't really wanna argue at the moment so they decided to go there.

And he regrets not arguing...well, only for a moment. When he sees Fujiwara cheering so loudly, laughing, and just being a ball of sunshine in general, the regret fades away completely.

It almost makes him wanna ki-


'What the hell am I thinking?' Y/N slapped both of his cheeks and shook his head.

There's no way he was thinking about that, nope nope nope nope.

Definitely not.


He decided to just have Fujiwara as his source of entertainment. He'll count how many times she jumped in excitement, how many times she laughed, how many times she clapped, and how many times iT BOuNcEd-

Yeah, no. Definitely not counting that.

Maybe just up to 5?


Oh, lord. The internal conflict Y/N's having right now. He has a straight face on as he argued with his more...outgoing self, as if he isn't already so outgoing.

"Y/N kyun, Y/N kyun!! Look! Look!!"

Fujiwara leaned on Y/N while pointing at the seal doing flips and whatever adorable thing that people are drawn into.

Y/N can hardly see this however...Fujiwara's chest was digging itself unto his face and he's going to die in less than 20s if she doesn't move away.

After 15s of the seal's flips, Fujiwara finally moved away and faced Y/N with sparkles in her eyes.

"Did you see that, Did you see that?!?!?!"
She asked excitedly.

Y/N barely managed to keep a straight face because of what just happened.

Fujiwara turned back to watching the show as Y/N brushed his, now messy-hair, to the side.

He steadied his breathing before he slumped down his seat and focused on the show that's making everyone so happy.

"Heh. The seals are pretty cute..." he muttered with a small smile spreading across his face. Other than that though, he didn't show the same enthusiasm as the people did and simply watched contentedly.

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