Chapter 21

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*3rd Person POV*

"Ah... it's that day, huh?"

Y/N lied on his futon as he stared at the ceiling.

His hair was a mess, having just woken up from another terrible nightmare, and his current clothes were drenched in sweat.

He was currently the only one left in the room since he slept late and needed more time to sleep. He wanted to try sleeping again, hopeful that his nightmares would disappear, but seeing as he had another terrible one...he might as well go back to just staying up again.

The state he was in is terrible, unable to sleep because of terror, yet he so desperately needed it...his head hurts, his body grew sluggish, and his paranoia was going haywire. It's indeed a horrible state to be in.

The first thing that came to his mind is if his members saw what he looked like during his sleep...Y/N never liked making them worry, after all, it's supposed to be him who's worried about them.

Y/N ran his hand across his H/C hair and lightly ruffled before letting his hand fall to the side, and with a huff, he finally stood up from his futon.

He didn't bother to take off his sweaty clothes and just went to the living room, where DICE is shown to be playing a game.

And since he's the only one left in their bed room, DICE immediately noticed their insomniac leader.

"Goodmorning, leader!" They all greeted and waved with a smile.

"Goodmorning, everyone~! What's everyone doing?"

"We're playing UNO!"

"Isn't that a game that ends friendships?"

"It depends if one cheats!"

"Oh, well...I think I'll head out for abit."

"Uuueh!? Don't you want to join us?!"

"Nah, I'll pass...You guys have fun."

Y/N was about to step outside their home, but suddenly, one of them added something.

"Let's let Danchou be, he's going to be busy buying something for his girlfriend~"

Y/N stopped in his tracks, his head slowly turning to his members that were grinning slyly at him.

"Oh-ho?? Is that true, Danchou san???"
(Danchou means leader, in case ya'll didn't know.)

"Of course not! It's ridiculous of you to even consider that possibility!"

"Don't be like that, Danchou! Ne, Ne! Can you tell us who she is??"

They're persistent...very persistent, it makes sense that they are...they have been with
Y/N for many years now, they know not to take everything he says at face value.

It's weird though...

...when they asked for the supposed "special someone" in
Y/N's life, two people crossed his mind.

Fujiwara, Chika and...

...Shirogane, Kei.

Y/N pushed these thoughts in the back of his mind, two girls? Are you serious?

He had to mentally punch himself in order to focus on what's currently happening.

"Da. Ka. Ra (Like I said) it's ridiculous to even consider that a possibility, this "girlfriend" you are trying to find out doesn't exist."
Y/N replied with a slight tilt of his head to the side and crossed arms.

"Fine, Fine. We'll believe you..."

"...for now."

"Nishishi~ good choice! Well then! I'll be back later!"

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