Chapter 14

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*3rd Person POV*

"It's only the two of us here,Fujiwara Chan!"

"Yeah...I'm surprised that Kaichou and Kaguya san aren't here since they spend most of their time in this office"

"Maybe they got club activities??"

"I don't really know..."

"Haha! That just gives us time to bond!"

"Maybe later,Y/N kyun..."


"I really want to focus on this manga that I'm reading!!" Fujiwara cheered excitedly.

"Huuuuh?? But I thought we're gonna spend the day with each other? Y'know,since we won't be seeing each other at Summer Vacation,and I'm gonna miss My beloved Fujiwara who I like so much!!"

"Y/N kyuuun! Later,okay??"

Y/N stopped for a moment as his hands went to his hips,he stared at the pink haired girl in front of him,it was a bad idea to spend time while she has manga with her.

She seemed so engrossed with the booklet she's reading that she hadn't been paying too much attention to Y/N...

He hated that...

"Fujiwara Chaaan! Cmon!! I like like you! Okay? So can we spend time with each other?? You're like...the most non-boring person ever!!"

"Just let me finish my manga first! I'm at the good parts now!"

"Would you really let all of my love go to waste?!" Y/N whined...

The boy was just craving her attention,that's all,he had received a hug from her earlier since they didn't see each other for quite awhile due to Y/N getting sick.

The hug she gave him has the Supreme Leader craving for more of her attention,and possibly another one of her hugs...

But his pride and paranoia prevented him from asking for another one,or for attention,so he decided to do this the only way he knew how.

Though Fujiwara reading manga while not paying attention to him at all,isn't really helping..

"Ugh! Stop reading that damn book and pay attention to me already!!" Y/N whined before hugging Fujiwara from behind "If my favorite person in the whole wide world abandons me,then I'll cry!!"

"Just wait a minute,Y/N kyun!"

The boy had actually been waiting for 30m now,he was starting to get bored,but he didn't wanna leave Fujiwara,he has to somehow...make her say it...

"But I like you so so much! I can't bear the fact that your attention isn't on me! It's unfair that I'm the only one who admits it!"

Fujiwara,as airheaded she may be,has a limit to when she can take tricks and lies.

It is a fact that she hates lying,and having her like the epitome of a lie such as Y/N,is practically an internal fight.

"as I said Y/N kyun,I'll be joining you as soon as I finish!"
She pouted.

"I'll leave ya alone if you tell me that you like me!"


"See?!? You can't even tell me! This is so unfair!"

Fujiwara has had enough of the confusion he always gave her,yes she likes- no loves him,but he's always telling her this,and the fact that Y/N always lied isn't really convincing her...

"You say it's unfair,but I don't even know if you say that you like me is a lie..."


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