Chapter 13

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*3rd Person POV*


"Are you ok,Fujiwara san?"

"I'm fine......"

The Student Council Secretary had been sighing and moping all day,she checks her phone which would bring a small smile on her face only to start moping again.

But we,The readers,already know why she's like this,don't we?

A number of days without the Supreme Leader was almost impossible for The Secretary,She had grown accustomed being in his presence that she doesn't know what to do without him anymore.

The rest of the Student Council Members were worried for her,it had been 5 days since Y/N was bedridden and unable to go to school,he hadn't contacted anyone as of late and Everyone was worried.

"I wanna visit Y/N Kyuuuunnnn"
She whined

"Well,we don't know where he lives,we don't really have a choice..." Shinomiya patted her friends' back

"I know that,but...I really wanna see Y/N!!!" She began to sob while whining and pounding the table with her fists.

Amidst the whining her cellphone rang,indicating that there's a message for her,Shinomiya went to peek,but was surprised at Fujiwara's Wallpaper.

It was Y/N kissing her cheek,Fujiwara's had a shocked blushing expression at the wallpaper.

Shinomiya was taking in what she saw,that was when Fujiwara grabbed her phone as quick as she can and hid it by her pockets.

"Fujiwara san..."


"What was that?"

The Secretary was smiling shyly with an obvious blush on her face.

Despite being blessed with Intelligence,it never crossed Shinomiya's mind that Fujiwara of all people,would've fallen in love...

Shinomiya was shocked at this...I mean,there are better men,but Why Y/N?

Sure he's a some sort of acquaintance and all,but...why him? Shinomiya just doesn't understand what qualities the Supreme Leader has for Someone like Fujiwara to like him.

"Fujiwara san....are love with Y/N kun?"

That's when the Secretary began to spout a number of incomprehensible words,that was a common sign that a person is love.

"What were the reasons for your feelings?" the Vice President asked,not only is she concerned for her friend's safety,but she also wants to get kissed on the cheek by...Kaichou. So...SHE NEEDS TO LEARN THE SECRETS.

"W-Well....Y/N kyun to be around...he's energetic and funny...not to mention his short height makes him so adorable..." Fujiwara admitted while covering her mouth trying not to smile widely. But of course she failed.

"H-Have you gone out...o-on" Asked Shinomiya with nervousness on her voice.

"Y/N says it's m-more of a friendly get together rather than a date...but I like to think of it as one..."

"How was the experience?"

"It was...great,Y/N kyun was fun to be around as always and he actually wore a different outfit which suits him...he also walked me home which is also a treat..."

Shinomiya remained quiet,did Y/N actually do all that? That's quite not like him...She imagined him to be all like:


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