October 20: Don't Do The Dishes

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          I groan as the day goes on, the sun starting to set. The boys have been working all day, leaving me stranded in Bear's apartment. Normally, I'd play on Fakebook, but since the old coot destroyed my phone, I'm left to fend on my own. I've already explored the house, except for Bear's room. I decided to respect his privacy... for now. 

          When you first enter the house, there's a dining room table to the left, and to the right is the kitchen. The theme for the house is very classy, black and grey filling the rooms. Straight ahead is the living room, no walls in between the rooms. A big "L" couch sits in front of a glass coffee table, the same table that held enough guns to make a soldier squirm in delight.

          Between the wall that leads down the dining room and living room has a hallway, which leads to what I assume to be Bear's room and a guest bedroom. The walls lack pictures of friends and family, just holding the dark grey color. The home was beautiful but was emotionless. As I wander around the house, the front door closes with a slam, causing me to jump and turn, seeing Bear holding a Chinese food bag.

          "I got food. The tv's yours, I'll be in my room." His voice is stern as he grabs his food and walks down the hallway, leaving me to myself again. Not once did his eyes meet mine. My stomach growls with hunger as the smell of chicken and broccoli fill my senses. Licking my lips, I pounce at the food before me.

          Settling down on the couch, I begin to flip through his movie collection, trying to decide upon a movie. I deem this a comedy worthy night as I pick the new Deadlake 2 movie. The movie has barely started before I choke on a piece of chicken, surprised at the beginning.

          "Yeah, I didn't expect it to go this way either." Bear's voice scares the Jesus out of me as the movie plays, his eyes on the screen. Not wanting to be alone anymore, I decide to invite him to stay.

          "I shouldn't. I've got a lot of wo-... Alright, just this one movie." His voice is stern again as he goes to his room to fetch his food. Sliding on the couch, his presence warms me. I'm not sure if it's out of embarrassment or infatuation, but either way, I'm not wanting this feeling. Halfway through the movie, Bear turns to me.

          "Tell me about yourself, Tessa. What are your dreams, your hobbies, your family." His eyes don't leave the screen, a slight milk mustache across his lip.

          "I'd like to be an author, but they apparently don't get paid very well so I'm not so sure how that's going to work out. I enjoy writing, art, hanging out with my best friend. I don't really have a family, it's just my mom and me." His eyes are on me as I speak, the movie going unnoticed as we speak.

          "Have you written anything?" I laugh at his question, reminding me of the failed book idea I have.

          "Yeah actually, but I'm in a dilemma. It's a love story about a woman who's struggling to write a love story, so she hires a man to make her fall in love with him. My dilemma is I don't know what love feels like so I can't exactly write about it." My voice trails off as I bite my lip, the taste of soy sauce lingering.

          "Have you never had a boyfriend?"

          "I have, I just didn't love him. He was my best friend, sure, but I never felt anything. That's why we broke up." He nods in understanding, his eyes on the screen.

          "What about you, do you have a girlfriend?" His eyes turn to stone as I ask my question, causing him to stand.

          "Yeah. That's enough of this silly game, I've got work to do." He leaves his mess as he storms off to his room, the sound of a lock clicking rings through the apartment. I sigh and clean the mess, it's the least I could do for him buying me dinner and letting me stay at his place, let alone his friend saving me from impending death. Okay, maybe not impending death, but impending kidnapping.

          The warm water fills slowly as I dump the soap in, bubbles forming quickly. I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I stick my hands in the water, washing a cup.

          "You're not my maid, you don't have to do that." Bear opens the fridge, grabbing a water bottle out.

          "I just thought I'd be nice and help you out." I shrug, setting the glass in the other side of the sink before grabbing another.

          "I'll do them later, it relaxes me."

          "Oh thank god, I hate dishes." Bear rolls his eyes, holding back a smile as I rinse my hands off.

          "Then why would you do them?" I flick him off.

          "Look, I was just trying to be nice. You won't see me folding your panties anytime soon, don't worry." Bear chokes on his water a bit, water dribbles down his chin as he coughs.

          "I wouldn't complain, I hate laundry." He smirks before continuing, "And you'd be lucky to even see my panties, let alone be graced with their silky touch." This time, it's my turn to roll my eyes.

          "I've got work to do, but first I'd like to invite you to stay in my guest room, it's far more comfortable than the couch." He ushers me to follow him, making me raise my eyebrow as I do.

          "What's the catch, Panda?" He stops in his track, facepalming before continuing.

          "I try to be polite and you still bite me in the ass."

          "You'd like that, you freak." I wink as he opens the door, making me smile. The room is simple, but I love it. To the left of the door is a balcony, a small table, and chairs sitting in front of it, calling me for morning writing time. Just next to the balcony is a queen sized bed with a view of the city next to it. To the right of the door is a closet, big enough to hold a family of five. Next to the closet is a bathroom, calling my name for a steaming hot shower. I turn to Bear to thank him, but he's already gone, the door across the hall clicking shut.

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