Unknown: Don't Fall In Love

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Large, beefy men held me down but not in the good way. They pushed me in the chair more than needed, and my back was really starting to hurt under their pressure. I squirmed slightly, letting out a huff of annoyance when one of the ogre's glared at me. I glare back and pull on my handcuffs, only for them to move an inch before stopping. They were attached to a small white table, which was bolted to the floor.

How did I get caught? Well their vents aren't as sturdy as I was hoping, and now that I'm not dead, they're not too happy. I groan in pain, sopping wet and blood smeared all over me. I sigh, only to jump in my seat when loud sirens begin to blare throughout the building. I squeal with excitement, knowing who it was.


Ogre number one rushes out the door, gun in hand, and ogre number two takes a seat across from me. If I could get him just a little closer...

I gasp, faking breathing problems. He looks at me weirdly, I probably look and sound like a dying fish, but he seemed to be believing it.

"Hey... you good?" His accent was thick and what I'd assume to be, Russian. I shake my head, forcing tears to my eyes as I stare at the light behind him. The bright bulb made my eyes dry and soon enough, a waterfall of tears washed down my face. And for my finale, I flopped forward, slamming my head against the table. It hurt like a bitch, but he stood quickly, leaning over the table to check on me. He frantically pushed a finger to my pulse, looking at me confused when my heart beat strong.

Like a freaking ninja, I grabbed his tie and moved my head, pulling as hard as I could on the unsuspecting man. His head came down and smacked hard against the table. He fell back into his chair with a groan as I kicked my shoes off, using my toes to pull my socks off. I hooked my feet around the legs of his chair and pulled. His chair tipped backward and his body fell, his head slamming against the floor.

Surprised my idiotic plan actually worked, I huffily lean over, realizing my handcuff key is no longer around my neck. I look at his uniform, finding a small key on his belt. It was looped on a small hook, just close enough I might be able to reach. I slid down into my chair again, reaching my feet for his belt. My wrists began to hurt from the handcuffs pushing against them, but I was so close. I stretched my body as much as I could and lightly slipped my pinky toe through the little hole that held the keys. I cheered quietly as I pushed back into my chair.

Slamming my foot on the table beside me, I took the key from my toe and unlocked the handcuff, doing a little victory dance. Gunshots rang outside, voices shouting, the siren still blaring. I uncuffed my second hand, setting myself free. I did another small victory dance before running over to the unconscious man. Pushing on his pulse, I felt a small heartbeat under my fingertips, telling me he's still alive. Smiling slightly, I grab his gun and step back.

I turn towards the door, taking a deep breath, before opening it and sneaking out.


I came unbelievably close to escaping, only to run right into death.

My heart jumped as I paced the room, my mind racing. My fingers twisted my hair anxiously, my feet shuffling across the white floor. Gunshots rang from outside, the sound of my name ringing through the air. I stayed silent, my eyes stinging. Bear came rushing through the door, his smile big as his green eyes land on me.

"Cheese." He took a step closer, his arms held out for me. I took a step back, shaking my head. He looked at me confused, his face falling.

"Tessa?" His voice is strong, holding power, but there's sadness dripping secretly.

"I can't go with you, Theodore." My heart is banging on my chest, crying out to be set free from the cage that holds it back.

"Why?" His eyes search mine, trying to find answers.

"Because I don't want you." With each word, my heart shatters more and more, sending the pieces to a pit of despair.

"What?" His voice breaks, his hand moving to his chest, just above his heart.

"I don't need you." The words left a sour taste in my mouth, but I did this for his own good. He stared into my soul, desperate.

"You're lying. Why are you saying this? What have I done wrong?" He clenches the gun in his hand, his body shaking slightly. He wasn't going to fall without a push, so I did the thing I never thought I would. I broke Bear.

"I don't love you." Tears stream down my cheeks as I look him in the eyes, glancing at the two- way mirror behind him. Bear roars our in anger and hols his gun high.

"TAKE IT BACK!" His body shakes viciously as he holds his gun up, threatening my life.

"I never loved you. Your brother was weak for loving, as so are you." I hold back a sob as he stumbles back, holding his chest tightly. A single tear falls from his forest green eyes before his face turns to stone.

"I hate you." My voice comes out a whisper, but it echoed throughout the room. Bear's eyes turn angry as he glared at me, shaking his head slightly.

"Pineapple juice?" I glance at the mirror behind him, his eyes following mine. They're behind that mirror, watching us. Realization hits him as he looks back at me, his face no longer in pain. He understands that he has to put on a show in order to get them by surprise.

"I've never loved you, Tessa. You were nothing more than a piece of ass I couldn't shake. I hope you rot here, because I'm not coming back to save you." His words are harsh, the muscles in his back were visibly tense through his tight black shirt, my heart goes with him. He stepped through the door and began to make his way down the hallway. The door slams shut automatically before I hear screams, gunshots ringing through the room next door. The mirror shakes, a massacre happening just on the other side of the wall.

The ruckus stops, the room completely silent. My breath comes out rugged as I wait, my heart beating hard. Did he beat them? Did they kill him? The door is kicked open, a very scary looking man standing on the other side, desperate to save the woman he loves. Bear is covered in blood, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"We need to leave, now."

So we ran, he grasped my hand, scared to let go and lose me. Soon, we're outside, and there's a war happening. Bullets fly back and forth, our gang fighting theirs. Jim, Willie, and Walter storm the place, taking no pity as they watch the life fade from people's eyes. Jeremy and Preston lead members I haven't met yet inside, gunshots ringing through the air. Michael is going ape shit, yelling vulgar threats at them before he notices me. His face lights up, immediately ruining towards me. I smile big, my chest filling with butterflies.

Before it is filled with a bullet.

Pain corses through me, the impact sending me to the ground. Bear screams, catching my falling body as Michael finds and shoots the dick who shot me. Bear covers the wound quickly, blood flooding out of me too fast. Oh god, I'm going to die.

"No! Cheese, please hang on, we'll get you help!" Bear pleads, tears in his eyes. Michael hurries over, his face in a panic.

"Tessa, I cam back for you like I promised, please don't leave me!" Michael sobs, grabbing my hand firmly. My body is cold, my mind dizzy as I fight to keep my eyes open. Bear is saying something, but they sound like whispers. I blink, trying to focus.

"Please, keep your eyes open just a little longer," Bear sounds desperate, but I'm not strong enough. My eyes fall shut, too leave for me to keep open. I force the words out before it's too late, my lungs running out of air.

"I love you."

The End.

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