November 23: Don't Bite Me

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          I open my eyes to find a naked chest beneath me, memories of last night flood my mind. A smile makes its way on my face as I look up, seeing a sleeping Bear. I reach up, caressing his face lightly as I take in his beauty. His dark hair is a mess a, his cheeks slightly pink from the warmth over our naked bodies. His lips plump, slightly spread as he breaths dreams in and stress out. Stubble ticked my hand as I drag a fingers down his jaw, mesmerized by his beauty. He definitely thinks of us as friends, in case you were wondering.

"TESSA BACK UP HE'S GONNA KILL YOU!" Jasper barges in, swinging around a garlic bread stick. Bear sits up quickly, alerted and looking around.

"Who's trying to hurt Tessa?!" Bear asks i. a hurry, whipping a gun out of nowhere. Jasper pulls back his garlic and whacks Bear right in the face. I gasp and grab the garlic bread stick, taking it from him.

"What the fuck, Jasper?!" Bear groans, holding his forehead. I slide Bear's shirt on while Jasper is distracted, covering myself.

"Tessa run! He's going to drink your blood." That's when it clicked. The water, the steak, the garlic bread stick.

"Jasper, do you think Bear is a vampire?" He nods quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. I tug the shirt down, embarrassed.

"Why would you possibly think that?" Bear groans, sliding into shorts.

"You're always talking about needing a drink, only come over at night, and Michael says you're a biter!"

"I'm gonna kill Michael"

"NO!" Jasper screams for Michael to cover his neck.

"Wait, Jasper... Where did you get holy water?" I ask, confused.

"The toilet."

"WHAT?!" Bear and I scream at the same time, disgusted.

"It's from a hole!" Jasper defends himself, shrugging. I close my eyes, breathing deep for a second as Bear tells Jasper he's not a vampire, just a dick. Jasper calms down and runs out, slamming the door behind him. His voices quiets as he runs away, yelling about flushing chips down the toilet for good luck.

Bear chuckles, his footsteps coming towards me. His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me to him.

"I love your family," I look up at him, smiling small.

"And we love you." He smiles back, but stops when I step back.



"It was so nice to meet you! Please come home again any time!" Louise hugs me tightly as we get ready to leave, everyone else long gone.

"I'll surely be back for some of your pie, it was absolutely delicious!" I smile at her, giving her a last squeeze before getting in Bear's car. Michael and Leo sit in the back, chatting about the parade float incident. Bear gets in the drivers seat quietly, not looking at me. And hats how we drove. Bear didn't talk, he didn't look at me, just drove. Michael and Leo eventually noticed the tension, letting it go quiet and just letting the music play.

Soon we arrive home, Michael and Leo wishing us a goodnight before heading off to their apartments. Bear and I ride the elevator up, time not seeming to go quick enough. I cough awkwardly, not being able to stand the silence anymore.

"So uh... Your birthday is tomorrow, are we doing anything special?" I look at him, his eyes hard as they stare at the doors. They finally open, and we step out. He doesn't say anything as we make it to our apartment, then nothing more when we're inside. Only when he starts heading to his room does he turn to me.

"What do I have to celebrate? Another year of growing old, or that I have to know that I'll grow old knowing the woman I love doesn't love me back?" His eyes hold tears, his cheeks red. My heart breaks, tears filling my eyes.


"Goodnight, Tessa." My heart stings as he shuts his door. My name sounds so foreign from his lips. My head spins, my body shaking. I can't stay. I'm not welcome.

I grab my bag, tears falling down my cheeks. I open the door, turning to look back once more. Please come stop me. Please ask me to stay.

I don't know what I expected, but I was left disappointed as I closed the door slowly. I rushed out of the building, I can't look back. If I look back, I might go back. I can't hurt him anymore than I already have.

The streets are lit up, the sky bright from the New York lights. Noises surround me, the city constantly busy. I walk, and I walk. I walk until my legs hurt, then I keep walking. My tears have dried, my heart becoming numb. I think I crossed a bridge, I can't remember. I don't want to remember.

I need to go home. What was I thinking? I'm wanted by the police, how could I be so reckless? I hurry to the nearest phone, sliding my quarters in and typing Bear's number.



"Hello?" A groggy Bear answers, my heart pounding hard.

"I left the apartment."

"What?! Where are you, I'm coming to get you."

"Bear, I love yo-."

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