October 25: Don't Say Breaddicks

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The blast left me speechless as red flashed around me. Michael stood on the other end of the gun, his face holding nothing but betrayal. I raise my brow before hurrying around a corner, leaving Michael for dead. Sounds of guns echo throughout the building, flashes of red and blue bounce off the walls as everyone ducks and rolls to avoid being hit. This is war and there's no way I'm losing.

Lasers shot through the air, Bear's gang running around like little kids as they curse each other, leaving friendship in the dirt. I quickly crawl under one of the many playground-like structures, shooting Michael again. He screams in frustration as he looks around, wondering where it came from. I try not to giggle as I spot Bear's father, Jim, shooting from the opposite side. He sends me a wink before running off.

There were two teams, as you could probably tell. The red team is Jim's team, the one I'm on. Blue, the losing team, was Bear's, and as you could probably guess, Michael was on. Besides Jim and I, the rest of the team consisted of Jeremy, the "main soldier", and Preston, the associate. Blue has more people, apparently, Devin, the computer genius, didn't show. Walter, Willie, and Leo fought alongside Bear and Michael. Walter was their "terminator", obviously the coolest title you could get in a gang. Finally, Willie is the captain, and also Jim's best friend.

Looking around, I spot Willie and Jim having a laugh as they attempt to shoot each other from 3 feet away, missing horribly. Michael and Preston are at a standoff, neither of them shooting but instead exchanging intense battle words. Or confessing their love, it's hard to tell from here. Jeremy fights off Leo and Walter himself, his back to the wall as they corner him. Just as my shot hits Leo, my feet are pulled and I'm being dragged out of my hiding spot. Screaming, I point my gun at the air, flipping over quickly to find Bear smirking above me.

"I spy with my little eye, a sneaky, rotten cheese shooting my men when they can't see her." He points his gun at me, his finger twitching on the trigger. My heart beats rapidly as I look up at him, his brown hair falling into his eyes as they stare back at me with intensity.

"What are you going to do about it, Teddy?" My voice comes out confidently as I bite my lip, smirking. He freezes as he stares at me, his eyes blank.

"What'd you just call me?" His question tense, as though he were daring me to say it again.

"Teddy Bear."

Pew pew pew.

That bastard shot me! I rolled over and stood quickly, chasing after him as he fled, curses leaving my mouth as we went directly in the battlefield. I stopped in my tracks, realizing Bear had led me in a trap. I took a step back, my back bumping into the chest of Walter who was glowing with a blue light. Bear slowly stepped forward, Willie and Leo to my sides. I was surrounded. Jim aimed towards Willie from above but he was the only one I could find, Jeremy and Preston nowhere to be found.

A screaming above caught our attention as Michael jumped off one of the structures, landing on top of me. I groaned as he covered me, screaming for the red team to take their shots.

Michael just betrayed his team to save me.

Jim shot Willie and Leo quickly, Walter backing away slowly, Preston pointing his gun to his back. Bear stood in front of us speechless, his face holding a surprised expression. Michael quickly got off me, gesturing to Bear. I smirked evilly as I stood, pointing my gun at him. He glared at me, refusing to surrender.

"Teddy Bear." And with that, I pulled the trigger.

The red team cheered in victory as the lights came on, I smiled as the guys high fived me. Everyone quickly got into a conversation as we made our way out of the room, music playing loudly as we make our way through the lobby and outside.

"You played well, Miss Tessa." Jim smiles at me as we walk towards our cars, holding his hand out. I take it in mine, shaking it firmly.

"I suppose I could say the same." I wink, causing him to chuckle.

"I hope to see you again, young lady." He turns, clapping a hand on Bear's shoulder as they get serious, harsh whispers coming from Willie as he holds his phone angrily.

"Fuck! And you're unsure of his location?" Bear's voice drips with anger and he runs a hand through his hair, his face stone.

"No sir, all we know is that he's missing, along with 3 million from the safe," Willie says, his eyes glued to his phone. Bear growls and takes a few steps away, his breathing ragged. Jim follows, whispering what I assume are calming words of support and plans to make the situation better.

"I want his location by tomorrow. Walter, I want you at the ready in case we need you. Willie, keep me updated." He says, his voice firm, but less angry. The men started parting ways, Michael coming over to me. He rubbed his head, irritated.

"How am I supposed to pick up hot people if I have a pregnancy bump growing from my forehead?" He asks, brushing his hair in front of his face. Preston laughed and patted his back lightly.

"Trust me, you'll be fine." He says before nodding at me and walking out. I nudge Michael teasingly before we make our way to the car. Leo can't even finish the word pizza before Michael screams for Bear to hurry his ass up.


Michael just about crawls out of the pizza place, groaning he ate too many "breaddicks". Leonardo and Bear didn't agree to the name, but I happily agreed so they wouldn't eat as many. More for me, right? We piled back in the car, a question roaming my mind before I finally ask.

"Why didn't the police chase Michael and me when the ladies tried to kidnap me? I mean he DID shoot at them, wouldn't they be up our butts?" I buckle my seatbelt before turning to Bear, his green eyes meeting mine.

"They had a live feed on the news, Walter let us know just in time for us to call backup, thanks to Jeremy being a distraction, the two of you were able to get away. If the dumbass in the front seat didn't talk to you, the Creeds wouldn't have attempted to kidnap you." Bear leaned against his window tiredly, his breath fogging it slightly.

"The old ladies are called the Creeds?" Leonardo nods as he looks at me in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, they're the rival gang." He makes a sharp left turn, causing me to fall over slightly.

"So what's your gang name?" I raise my eyebrow, looking at Bear whose glaring at the back of Michael's seat. Michael turns to me with a big smile, as though he was about to tell me his proudest moment.

"Closet Tequila." Yep. There it is. His proudest moment.

"...Do I want to know why?" Bear fights a smile as his eyes cloud over in memory.


"No further questions, your honor," I say, shaking my head.

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